Samsung Confirmed Launching Of Investigation On Galaxy Note 7 Due To Users' Complaints

Different complaints from users all over the world flooded Samsung ever since they released Galaxy Note 7; but the issue that the netizens had been talking about is the device's overheating battery; which then resulted to it exploding randomly. This complaint had not only been reported once but a lot of times already and caused Samsung to issue a recall worldwide. Reports of the same problem kept coming and coming up until now.

This week Samsung announced and confirmed that they will be launching an investigation on Galaxy Note 7 due to new reports stating that the device's battery is still overheating causing an unexpected explosion even though it was supposed to be "safe" already.

The company claims that all devices sold in China wouldn't possibly have this type of problem and that users that bought their device in China are and will not be experiencing the said defect because the Samsung subsidiary (which is where the batteries that could possibly explode were built) are not the suppliers of the country. Although many had confirmed that Samsung's claim was true, there were still users complaining that their Galaxy Note 7 becomes really hot while they're using it to the point that they can no longer held it on their face.

Other than the confirmation of the investigation, the company also spoke to USA Today stating that the new Galaxy Note 7 is now finally working properly, reassuring everyone that the device is once again safe to use.

"We would like to reassure everyone that new Note 7 phones are operating properly and pose no safety concerns. In normal conditions, all smart phones may experience temperature fluctuations,"

Most people would agree on the fact that some smart phone do experience "temperature fluctuations" but what they don't agree about is the fact that some Note 7 becomes so hot that users can barely touch it.

Samsung will investigate and discuss further about the matter and will be announcing updates soon.      

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