The title of this article, finding a full service auto care shop you can trust, should make you take some time to stop and think. There are some very distinct words in this title. Consider the meaning of the word:
Finding - the result of inquiry and investigation.
We are in the age of information. At our fingertips or even the sound of our voice, we have Alexa, Seri, Wikipedia, Reddit, and Quora. Facebook has a feature where you can ask for recommendations.
Ask your friends, inquire, and investigate.
The Beatles sang it best with their 60s hit:
"Oh I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm gonna try with a little help from my friends
Oh I get high with a little help from my friends
Yes I get by with a little help from my friends
With a little help from my friends."
Ask your friends. Then with that information, do a little online research. Read reviews and see if there are warning signs. Look for the positive comments of happy customers. Online research can save you time and money, and you know it is convenient. Usually, you can find objectivity online. Just be warned that customers online can also paint a nonrealistic picture.
Just as Brad Paisley sang:
Online I am out in Hollywood
I'm 6'5'' and look damn good
I am so much cooler online
Yeah I am cooler online
Now you have a little help from your friends and their input. You have done your online research. Now, onto the next part of the title, you should think about is Full-Service: Time to reach out to the mechanics and find out what services are their specialty. Are there services they do not provide. How knowledgeable and confident does the mechanic seem about working on your type of car. How is their customer service? When speaking with the mechanic on the phone, does he sound trustworthy? Trust your gut.
The next part of the title is Auto Care: Now, you have talked to your friends, done your online research, and spoken to the mechanic. Next, you may want to visit the shop. See how much care they show for the autos they have in the shop. Is the place tidy and not filthy? A clean mechanic shop seems a little like a chef that doesn't like to eat. Mechanic shops should be just that, a shop to repair mechanical things like engines which is dirty work. Tidy, not filthy, and organized enough that it shows they care.
Johnny Cash said it in One Piece at a time:
You'll know it's me when I come through your town.
I'm gonna run around in style
I am gonna drive everyone wild
Cause I have the only one around
Now that you feel like the mechanics will care for your auto, the shop seems to care for the cars that they are working on. There is one more part of the title.
Finding a Full-Service Auto Care Shop You Can Trust: There is one last part that is very important in Finding a Full-Service Auto Care Shop, and that is that you feel you can trust them. They can make sure this is accomplished with them backing up their work. Offering warranties on parts and labor, and provide written quotes and guaranteed prices. Look around, is their business servicing repeat customers. If others trust them enough to return with their other car, then you have found your Full Service Auto Care Shop You Can Trust. Happy Driving!