"Was it a good flight?" Anyone who has taken to the air has more than likely been asked that question at some point. Long-haul flights - those which last more than six hours - can be either end of the scale. They can either be amazing thanks to free in-flight entertainment or terrible because of discomfort thanks to having no leg room.
There are some innovative gadgets out there that can help enhance your long-haul journey. We take a look at some of the best items you need to include in your hand luggage for your next flight.
Smart suitcase
For luggage with a twist, you can now get suitcases that not only have ample storage, but come with a built-in removable battery located underneath the handle. Rest assured that it is allowed in the cabin and can be carried onto a flight, meaning you can stay connected on the go with a charger that can add power to your device up to four times, and can charge two gadgets at the same time. Be sure to check each airport's policy on batteries just incase it will need to be removed while going through security. Away suitcases are available in a range of sizes all with TSA locks, so if the US authorities need to, they can access your case without the need to break the combination lock.
E-book reader
While most airlines offer in-flight entertainment featuring some of the must-see films released at the time of take-off, sometimes winding down with a good book is what you want to do. Investing in an e-book reader, such as the Kindle, will allow you to carry hundreds of books all in one slim and compact device. If you're heading for a relaxing sun-bathing destination, this will also be useful for some pool and sea-side entertainment.
Travel light
If you've opted to take a traditional book with you, you may not want to interrupt your fellow passengers' snooze by turning on your overhead light at night. Why not take a compact reading light which clips to your book? It will give you the perfect amount of light while not disturbing others.
Noise-cancelling headphones
You're going to want to make the most of the in-flight entertainment, so pack your own headphones. Some flights will provide their own, but they will probably be low-quality headphones that don't cancel the noise from the plane and other passengers - and you may also be required to pay for them. Bring your own noise-cancelling headphones to ensure you get the best experience.
Portable charger
If you've managed to watch all of the films on the flight (the good ones anyway), and you have used most of your phone battery sitting in the departure lounge, a portable charger is a must-have. Simply plug in your USB wire and your tablet or phone will be replenished with energy in time for when you land.
With such limited space in your hand luggage, it's difficult to take everything you would dream to have on board with you. What are some of your flight essentials?