Being a mother may be difficult but being an aunt is a bit more difficult. In this have to play the role of mother but also be their friend.
So here are a few ways in which you can impress your niece and nephew and become the cool aunt.
1. Make some time for them
While you might have a busy schedule but try to take some time for babysitting them every once in a while. Your sibling will love you as it will give them a much-needed break and you will get to spend some time with your niece and nephew. This way they will always remember you as a part of their childhood and you being there when they needed you. Not meeting them for a long time will have them take you as a stranger. The cool aunt certainly wouldn't want that would she.
2. Treat them as adults yet keep an eye out
Take them to the mall and let them go on their own. To keep an eye on them you can install FamiSafe app on their phone or iPad which will give you information that where they are at all times. Also if they are having any trouble at school, which they would find it easier to inform their cool aunt about rather than parents. Also, teach them how to handle those problems and inform the parent so they can be on a lookout.
3. Give them experience
Now everybody remembers their first time doing things. For instance, I will always remember my first bike ride with my uncle. So why not give kids experience by which they can make a lifelong memory with you rather than a gift they will forget in a few days. For instance, the cool aunt can take her niece to the spa and get a manicure for the first time. For a nephew, the adventurous aunt can take him to his first camp experience.
4. Play with them
As adults, we often forget that all children want from us is a little attention. Don't be that aunt who is always on the screen. When you babysit them try to genuinely spend time with them doing a thing that they enjoy doing. Mothers can't do this but aunts can, this is where aunts can become more favorite them the mother.
5. Communicate with them
Nieces and nephews have the strongest communication link with their aunts. So listen to what they are saying. Sometimes kids find it easier to tell their aunts things which they can't tell their parents. So always keep those lines of communication open with them.
6. Remember things important to them
Kids remember those people who were there for them in their shining moments. So however busy you might try taking some time out for your niece or nephew and watch the playing which they acted or the game in which they are playing. Your support and presence will mean a lot to them.
Being an aunt is a beautiful role of life and it is much easier to love you, niece and nephew, then your kids.
Do these things and I assure you, you will soon be the coolest aunt whose next visit they can't wait for and stop talking about how cool their beloved auntie is.