As a person that makes videos both professionally and as a hobby, I like to be cutting edge. Who doesn't? After all, when you put your name on something, you want people to off and ahh.
So like everyone else, I have been making my videos in 4K as much as possible and whenever possible. It has its strong points, it has its problems, just like any other file. The trick is knowing what to do with it and how to overcome those shortcomings.
Hey, if you are reading this, I am pretty sure you understand what 4K is. However, before we jump into the 4K video world, let's refresh. 4K simply is a term for videos that refers to one of two high def resolutions, 4096 x 2160 or 3840 x 2160. When you look at it, 4K is also four times the pixel resolution of the 1080p at 2160p. I have to mention that 4K video is large, but you can them to highly compressed HEVC codec and reduce file size with a 4K video converter.
That out of the way, what can you use 4K for?
I think that the better question is, what can't 4K be used for in video production?
I have used it for Facebook videos, video ads, and for some clients, I was fancy and made 4K Facebook video covers. Instagram's IGTV looks better in 4K. YouTube videos stand out in 4K, as does Vimeo. And that is just some of the average everyday uses for it.
As a pro, I have shot video that was used on Television; Streaming on any number of platforms; Media players, etc. There is not a video file out there that does not look better in my opinion in 4K than 1080p.
Even better as that as 4K is out there more and more, the list of devices that can shoot with 4K is growing. Not too long ago, it would have been rare to find cameras that had the 4K option, today, it is rare not to be able to find a platform that does not have some 4K capability.
Of course, there is a slew of cameras themselves that have 4K capabilities, such as GoPro, DJI Drones, Canon, etc. The even better news is that all of the major cell phone manufacturers have at least one phone that can shoot in 4K, there are even a couple out there that offers 4K in both cameras.
And for those of you, like me, that is getting into the drone scene, there is a growing number of both high end and value-priced drones that offer 4K options.
Yeah, I know that as a techie, I like the shiny. I have been shooting video in one format or another since the late '90s as an enthusiast or professional. Believe me, every new format comes with its shares of problems as well.
Some problems are the same as any other format. Aspect Ratio, for example, has always been and most likely will always be a problem. Especially if you are someone like me, that jumps directly into production and then has to go back (sometimes from scratch) because the aspect ratio was all wrong.
And of course, there is the dreaded shaking video. For whatever reason, the image is jumping,
Then there are the little things, like needing to add the special effects or to add subtitles.
We are not all able to bring the studio effects of Lucasfilms, but we want our production to look better than an amateur film. Or we see a need for language subtitles for whatever.
This is where we talk about solutions. To me, the best solution is editing software that is designed around solutions. And for my video needs, especially in the 4K range, my go-to software is VideoProc.
Now, I know that I have spent most of the time harping about how great 4K is and how widespread it is. But there is one problem that you might encounter, that VideoProc will be a great tool to have:
Downscale to 1080p.
Picture this, you have made "the" video. All video enthusiasts will know what I am talking about. The video that just comes together like magic. The footage is golden, the cuts are golden. You have the perfect audio, the video gods have smiled on you and blessed you with a perfect video. So much so that you are clearing a spot on your shelf for the award you are sure it will earn.
All you have to do is upload it. And then it all comes to a halt. The platform will either just not accept 4K or the connection speed is so low that uploading a 4K video could take forever.
VideoProc has your back, I have had software that has not had the ability to reformat from 4K to 1080p. So the option was finding a way to increase upload speed, do not upload to that site, or redo the whole video in 1080p. VideoProc has the ability to downscale your work of art.
Of course, if you have ever made videos. It stands to reason that you have uploaded a few to the largest video sharing site, YouTube.
There are two ways that I have done it, direct upload to YouTube from my computer, or using the software I made the video in. I love YouTube, I love that I can share my latest creations with the world. Or that I can watch videos on topics I have never even thought about, or even look for ideas for my own creations.
I do not like video manager on YouTube though. One mistake and I am starting over. The processing times are too long, the list goes on and on. However, this is another area I love VideoProc in, the easy interface in uploading the video to YouTube.