You've recently noticed a decline in sales, and you're concerned that the website is not getting as much traffic as before. There are so many reasons why this could be the case. Is there something wrong with your website, or is it that your competitors are just doing better.
Here are some suggestions to see if you can improve your visitor numbers.
Use Traffic Tools
Do you know exactly how much traffic your website has? Or are you basing your assumption on a reduction in sales? That's ok; it's a fair way to judge, but to get on top, you need to know the daily number of visitors.
Content analytic tools are handy as they provide a lot of data, from where the users are located to how long they spend on the site. You can pay for one that gives you every possible report you could imagine, however, there are loads of free ones out there that do the job just as well.
Your Website
Here's something you might need to face. Maybe your website isn't that great anymore. When was the last time you updated your content? In this ever-changing climate, your online presence needs constant updating. If you don't have up-to-date, relevant information, visitors will get bored and move on.
How's Your SEO?
When people search for your business online, how far up (or down) the results list are you? If you aren't on the first page, chances are your SEO keyword density is down. This is not an easy thing to get right and almost impossible to do alone.
If you're in Nashville, SEO competition is fierce. Do some homework to understand how to maximize your keywords to get a higher result on a Google search.
Technical Issues
The final reason might be some underlying tech issues that make your site less desirable.
Slow Loading
Nothing will make a user quit your site if it has slow loading times. If your server host is experiencing issues like this regularly, it's time to change providers. You can't afford for visitors to quit your pages before they've managed to load.
Malicious Code
It's even possible that somehow your site has been hacked, and some hidden code has been placed somewhere. This means your website gets a penalty rating in any web searches. Don't underestimate how sneaky your competition can be. Pages created via Wordpress are often victims of this activity; it's usually via a plug-in.
Check your page code to make sure there is nothing unusual there.
Links and Images
Regularly check all your pages, as a user, to ensure no picture images are broken. This can happen very often and provides an ugly experience for any visitor (potential customer). If you have links, also confirm they are still valid and point to where they need to.
Your Competitor
Your competitor may be stealing your traffic. Have you visited their sites recently? They may be doing something you aren't, offering some promotions or deals, or even have a more exciting website.
Always take the time to check out what they are doing, and be one step ahead of them at all times.
Get Your Clients Back
Don't lose heart. If you've seen sales dwindling and you think your online traffic is the reason you're probably right.
First, get some tools to track your site's user activity to understand what's going on truly. Next, take a cold hard look at your pages. Are they pretty, user-friendly, and engaging? If not, that's your main problem.
If your site looks good, then it could be down to your SEO keywords, seek a professional to check this out for you. The other issue is that there may be technical issues.
Go over the suggestions above, make sure all of these are covered and watch your traffic soar.