PNC Online Banking Latest: Taxpayers in America recently received their stimulus checks as the coronavirus pandemic continues to endanger the whole world. While the recipients were joyous of the financial aid amid the weakened economy, several problems among the online servers of major banks left many unable to access the funds they were hopeful for.
Users shared their experiences on Twitter only to find out that there were plenty of others who had the same issues with their logins. Majors banks such as JPMorgan Chase, Citibank, Us Bank, PNC, and Capital all have had connection problems while their customers were trying to login.
Down Detector, a website that tracks other websites that are currently out or experiencing errors confirmed the service complications that the banks mentioned above have been trying to fix. The events happened at nearly the same time that IRS encountered problems of their own.
Several tweets below show users sharing their grievances on the ordeal.
My banking app wont let me log in so I'm gonna assume it has something to do with this stimulus money hitting, but if it's not I'm gonna be so annoyed lmao — great value Red Sonja (@c0rpsemaster) April 15, 2020
@ChaseSupport My roommate and I both cannot access our (separate) bank accounts. We’ve tried both online and through the app and both are saying “this service is not available right now” when trying to log in — Lisa (@lisapizza93_) April 15, 2020
What are they doing about the issue?
One representative from JPMorgan Chase admitted that the server problems were caused by the massive influx of users trying to log in at the same time. They stressed the servers themselves had no issues whatsoever, and they were currently looking into it.
Another bank, US Bank, also announced they were having the same issues with their online services due to the volume of login attempts. The company stated it was aware of the problem and was investigating it as well.
I don't normally come on here to rant about businesses, but I'd like to say, @usbank really put the nail on the coffin with the system being down. I was on the fence about switching banks, but now I definitely am. — Stephanie Stephen (@stephstephen23) April 15, 2020
This is pretty much everyday now with @usbank pic.twitter.com/fR57vM9jGJ — Josh Joslin (@JoshJoslin) April 15, 2020
Capital One, another major bank in America, wasn't spared either. Similarly, the bank shared their insights on Twitter, stating that "some customers may be temporarily experiencing issues accessing online and mobile accounts. We are working on getting things back up and running as quickly as possible," it said.
@CapitalOne is the website down? I've been having trouble logging in all morning? — Nelson Nantanapibul (@thereelnerd) April 15, 2020
@CapitalOne How am I suppose to submit a payment/payments that are due tomorrow if your website or apps won't work. Seriously...some communication would be great — Kellie (@HokieGurl08) April 15, 2020
PNC Bank was no exception, as some users also posted their problems with the bank. The bank, based in Pittsburgh, also posted on Twitter they are aware of the problem and are engaging it through their technology team to get it resolved as quickly as possible.
Good morning to everyone except PNC cause their mobile banking app is down — lex. (@lexamillionn) April 15, 2020
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What's a stimulus check exactly?
A stimulus check is a financial aid given to taxpayers to urge spending in the hopes of helping the economy grow. This is by having the recipient use the money to purchase from retailers and manufacturers, pushing the economy.
There have been plenty of instances where stimulus checks have been given out. The amount that is given to each person is different and is based on their filing status. Also, joint taxpayers will receive double the usual amount had they filed separately. For anyone who had unpaid back taxes would see an automatic application of their stimulus checks to whatever outstanding balance they have.
The US government announced they would issue guidelines about opening up the economy amid the coronavirus pandemic. An amount of up to $1,200 would be received per person and will be transferred to their bank accounts. This was done in response to the severe impact the global virus has had in dwindling the dominant economy of the US.
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