I've been to school- I know what it's like. There are a wide variety of different things to take care of. There are classes to run, with lots of pupils signing up for different subjects and needing to be sorted into different classes. There are teachers to hire to teach these students, and to prepare them for their exams at the end of every year (depending on their age). On top of that, people who run schools need to organise a range of different events throughout the year as well; these include health talks and fun activities to give pupils a break from strict learning. This is a lot.
The fact that this is a lot means it can be challenging for teachers to keep on top of everything. That's why, in my opinion, technology can help a great deal in and around schools. Now, the technological age has brought a lot of different pieces of equipment into school. However, not all of these are as effective as they could be when it comes to keeping up with events and other such things in schools. There are, however, new kinds of tech that can help in this regard and that's what I'm here to talk about today. Read on to find out why different technology could help your school a lot.
It could help you with registration systems
One of the most important parts of running a school is making sure that all students are accounted for at all times. It's vital for teachers to be aware of this, and that's why taking the register every day in every class is so highly regarded. It ensures that every student that is meant to be in class is there, and that student authorities in the school are informed of any absences (permitted or not). This allows student safety to be kept high at all times. Of course, there are already good systems in place at the majority of schools to keep on top of registration. However, this can always be improved.
If you know where to look, you could find top of the range registration equipment. It'll be even better than the programs you currently have installed for a number of reasons; for starters, you'll get valuable information much quicker than before. Whereas at the moment it might take a few minutes for data to be transferred from one computer to another at your school, a new registration system from the right company will make it near to instantaneous. This will be great for making sure all students are accounted for throughout their time at school and will quash any worries teachers and parents might have.
Inventry Limited are an example of a company who supply this kind of equipment.
You'll be able to keep track of teachers as well
Of course, it's important to keep track of where students are- their safety is your primary concern, after all. However, their learning is vital as well and for that, they need teachers. While it was uncommon, there was always the odd time at school where a teacher would be absent and because of a breakdown in communications, we weren't assigned a replacement. While it was fun to sit for 50 minutes without a teacher, you want to try and avoid this. Old systems might not be able to account for all teachers when they are absent either due to speed or human error, and this needs to be cut out.
To try and make sure this doesn't occur at your school, a new system could be wise. It could, for example, require all teachers to sign in as well at the start of each working day. This will make sure that heads know where everyone is, what classes they should be taking and what rooms they should be in. If a teacher doesn't sign in, it can quickly be corrected and a substitute teacher can be arranged. If a teacher knows they are going to be absent on a certain day or at a certain time, they could update some sort of application to alert their superiors in advance. It's up to you how you use these kinds of systems to your advantage.
Visitor management can be improved
Whenever parents and other visitors come to visit a school, it's important that they have as smooth an ordeal as possible. For that to happen, workers in the school need to know where they are to ensure they are treated well. Not many schools take attendance of parents at certain events, but I believe it could actually be really useful. At a parent's night, for example, parents are arriving at different times to check up on how their children are getting on. Even if volunteer students are taking names at the door, this doesn't alert teachers that they are on their way up-unl;ess there is technology involved. If an application is designed to take attendance and keep teachers to a timetable of appointments, this could help a great deal. The whole evening would run a lot smoother and new technology would be at the heart of it.
Evacuation procedures would be a lot less stressful
Now, it does tend to be pretty rare that a proper evacuation has to be executed at a school. In most cases, a fire alarm will only represent a test fire drill or something of the sort. However, it's still really important that all procedures at followed so that if a real emergency does occur, everyone is prepped on how to deal with it. Registration is vital in times like these; having every pupil accounted for is important in terms of safety. A simple pen and paper register can be helpful.
What if a student is actually missing, though? That's where technology could help. What if your school had a system in place that was connected to every pupil's phone and, during school hours, you were able to track their whereabouts? If an emergency occurred, you would be able to activate this system and check up on where a student is. They can then be removed from harms way, highlighting the benefits that new, improved technology could bring to your school.