Viral Video of UV ink Tattoo with Traveling Light: Real or Edit? How to Get Yourself One?

Viral Video of UV ink Tattoo with Traveling Light: Real or Edit?
Viral Video of UV ink Tattoo with Traveling Light: Real or Edit? Screenshot From Reddit Official Website

A new trend of tattoos has started to emerge using UV ink that lights up when in the dark. A recent video has started to circulate around Twitter of a UV light tattoo that looks pretty awesome but is also the topic of much speculation.

The reason around the speculation is that the tattoo lights in a very different way from how the normal UV tattoo would have lit up. In fact, that light goes around the lines changing color as it goes from red, green, yellow, and even blue.

Although the UV ink tattoo looks pretty nice, there has been a discussion in the comments section regarding its validity. Could this UV ink tattoo be just an edited video?

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The viral video

The video was uploaded on Reddit and although the initial reaction was awe, the users of Reddit were quick enough to spot that this was an edit that followed a very popular music video trend just like in Fitz and the Tantrums - 123456.

The comment section was quick to correct those who thought that the way this tattoo lit up was real. Others even offered the proper definition and composition of these tattoos.

According to a certain comment, UV tattoos, or sometimes called blacklight tattoos are actually made of dyes that fluoresce visibly only under ultraviolet light, not unlike either rhodamine or fluorescein. The ink you choose for the UV tattoo can be quite invisible and only show up when illuminated only by light that is visible within the spectrum.

Given the information given about UV tattoos, it is very clear that the video is well lit and there is no presence of ultraviolet light which would have triggered the glow in a regular UV tattoo. Aside from this, the color seems to travel instead of glow.

The lights go from one place to another traveling through the tattoo and giving definition to the style. Although this looks quite awesome, this has proven that the tattoo is not in fact a UV tattoo but rather a regular tattoo that was just edited.

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Getting a UV ink tattoo

If ever you want to get yourself a UV tattoo, you should first make sure you are ready to get a tattoo in the first place. Make sure to pick the right design before committing to a tattoo that would either be something you are proud of or something that you will regret later on.

Make sure you're okay with glowing in the dark. This is a serious thing to consider since you'll definitely stand out in ultraviolet light and there's no off switch. Sure, it would be nice at the club, but what about outside of the club during a formal night event or even when you're trying to go to sleep?

Make sure your skin is not allergic to these types of ink. Since UV inks contain different types of chemicals, it is necessary that you find out if these chemicals are harmful to your body or not. Not ever has the same skin meaning some people's skin is more sensitive than others.

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