Pokémon GO trainers are heading into Sinnoh's Generation IV also known as snowy cold land for some special treats during the final week of Throwback challenges, from May 21-29, 2020. Just like the previous events, the current installment features similar precedent of tasks including some additional rewards. A shiny Glameow, is for instance, is a major highlight along with a ground-type-or a dragon Pokemon Gible. This type evolves into Garchomp, which is a fan favorite.
You will also most likely find Pokemons appearing more frequently - that includes Croagunk, Buneary, Kricketot, and Snover. Spawning as well are starters Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup.
Keep reading to get comprehensive lists of encounters, tasks and all the stuff you can find in 7 km eggs! Completing the task will get you Creselia rewards. The megathread below was first shared by redditor u/SilphScience
Pokemon Go Sinnoh Throwback Challenge Part 1-3
Read also: Pokemon Go Tips: How to Capture Pokemon Easily Including the Perfect Way to Throw The Pokéball
Pokemon Go Sinnoh Throwback Challenge Part 4-6
Pokemon Go Sinnoh Throwback Challenge Part 7-9
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