Influencer Gets Pregnant with Stepson's Child After Divorcing Father: Both are Now Engaged

A certain Russian influencer has publicly revealed that she is currently pregnant with her own stepson's baby after only recently divorcing his own father. A certain Marina Balmasheva, age 35, has recently just announced her recent engagement to her own 20-year-old boyfriend named Vladimir after splitting up with his father named Alexey, age 45, who she had been married to for a whole 10 years.

Yesterday, the Russian influencer shared the news on her own Instagram account in a video surprising the world and sharing the happy news that Marina and Vladimir are finally with a child. In the video, she is seen handing Vladimir a certain pregnancy stick, after which they then shared a strong emotional embrace.

Marina Balmasheva

Marina revealed that she was already four weeks gone and had also admitted that they had decided to both get married due to the upcoming baby. The post's translation read that she was tired of hiding the truth and that everything is possible in this whole world. She revealed that they are four weeks in and are both decided on getting married.

Although some fans have reacted with numerous heart emojis and have wished both of them "happiness and health", the others were still less positive about the shocking news. Some people even reacted with much confusion regarding who the father actually is.

Marina comes from Russia's western region in a place located in Krasnodar Krai and has reportedly adopted all of her ex's five children while they were both together. Just the previous month, she has sparked public outrage after she decided to share a photo of both herself and Vladimir 13 years ago when the boy was still aged seven.

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Disturbing news

On the side of the disturbing photo was another more recent picture of both of them, the happy couple, cuddling alongside each other. Marina stated that nobody really knows how life will then turn out and even when people actually meet people that make them smile.

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Всем добрый вечер. Интересно: какой Паблик первым утащит это фото Познакомились мы с Вовой, когда ему было семь. Он всегда был улыбчивым и смешным. Общались недолго, мама с ними переехала на Урал. Но разок, в первом классе, мы сидели в огороде: я собирала смородину, а он читал Чебурашку вслух Это было испытание для моей нервной системы. Потом ещё виделись раза три, до его 16летия. И потом он переехал на Кубань. Дальше есть две версии: моя и не моя. В какую именно верить - Личный выбор каждого. Моя версия: я ушла просто потому, что пора было уходить. Несколько лет было состояние «не в своей тарелке». Я поняла, что могу сама обеспечить семью, есть где жить и в 35 мне не хочется ставить на себе крест. Не моя версия: я ушла к Вове. Многие считают, что повлияла Пластика и блог, но все забывают, что время или сводит или разводит людей. В нашем случае-развело. Внешность. Мне далеко до идеалов. Прям как до Москвы в позе рака, но и переживать по этому поводу уже не интересно. Надолго это или нет: ни у кого нет гарантии. Никогда. Деньги. Много кто на это клонит. Скажу прямо: я трачу на детей сейчас больше, чем на Вову. Я не помню, когда что-то ему покупала. Машина? Она у меня появилась после начала отношений, да и за руль он не просился ни разу. «Ему с тобой удобнее». Ну, так и раньше он жил неплохо ‍️ Без меня. Значит , между нами всё же есть что-то искреннее. А как долго это продлится: никому неизвестно... В Сторис сейчас закину его тетрадку с первого класса очень смешно задачу решал. @vladimir_shavirin A post shared by Марина Балмашева (@marina_balmasheva) on May 6, 2020 at 9:49am PDT

She also stated that she was aware of the fact that people will definitely judge them but there will still be those that support them and that they are both happy and wish others were happy as well.

Instead of actually persuading people to go support her, Marina then attracted a storm of protest later on when she shared the shocking before-and-after snap on her own Instagram profile with her numerous 420,000 followers. The number then dropped down to 411,000 after the video.

Marina also added that she is deeply in love with Vladimir and both of them are going to work together in helping and raising three of the siblings, according to certain reports. Many of them were left still outraged following the whole post and said that it was very immoral to start a whole new relationship with the child that she had definitely helped to raise.

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