The indie video game marketplace known as is selling an insane video game bundle that has all its proceeds going to charity called the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality, where you can pay $5 and you'll get a whopping 1000+ games. The charities that the proceeds will go to are the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and the Community Bail Fund.
There are now over 1,000 projects included in the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality. All buyers have access to the new content added.
We're working on updating the UI to make it easier to browse, in the meantime reply with your recommendations — (@itchio) June 9, 2020
Every single cent that people pay to get the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality will be split evenly between the two charities mentioned above. The bail funds will be going towards bailing out protesters that were jailed all over the United States. The developers of the games contained within the bundle are working together to show that they oppose white supremacy, police brutality, and racism.
The Bundle For Racial Justice And Equality
If you pay a modest cost of $5, you'll receive access to over a thousand items, and that isn't a lie. When you buy the bundle, you will be able to play incredible PC games such as Loot Rascals, Minit, Overland, Night in the Woods, Oxenfree, Celeste, and a thousand more great games. This bundle will be saving you thousands of dollars.
If you'd love to pay more so that more goes to the charities, you should be happy to know that you can pay as much as you want for the bundle as long as it's over $5. Buying the bundle is practically donating to the NAACP and the Community Bail Fund with a bonus of a thousand games.
The bundle has a goal of $5,000,000, which it's going to be reaching soon. It has already exceeded the halfway point as of the writing of this article, and it will probably reach its goal by the end of this week. The bundle is available for less than a week, so Itch might set a new goal for the bundle.
There are no strings attached when you buy the bundle. Contributing isn't something you should hesitate with unless you're in a bad financial situation. However, if you can spare $5, consider getting this bundle since you're donating to a good cause while you get hundreds of amazing video games.
There is another separate bundle on that has proceeds going to the Black Lives Matter organization and the National Bail Fund Network. This separate bundle costs a decent $40 and you'll gain access to 20 fantastic games. A few good examples of the games in the bundle are Coffee Talk, Moon Hunters, and Emily is Away Too.
Why Are They Selling This Many Games For So Little?
As stated above, all the proceeds are going towards charities. The games in the bundles were willingly put in by the developers of those games to support the charities. So each game developer in the bundle won't receive any money.
Itch themselves have said that we are living in a time of racial injustice, inequality, and police brutality against people of color. They are hoping people take a stand against these issues in any way they can. If you can spare the money, consider buying the bundle.