A funny video has been going around recently on social media of a man trying out a virtual reality roller coaster. He starts out having fun while the roller coaster is going slow and it seems like something anyone could enjoy. People passing by seem to be entertained by the man looking around in awe.
But halfway through the video is when things get wild, and the man starts to scream as if he was in a real rollercoaster and was drastically afraid of riding them. The people passing by start to stare as if something horrible had happened.

Did Something Horrible Happen To The Man In The Virtual Reality Roller Coaster?
Nothing horrible happened at all. It's only a man who is seriously immersed in a virtual reality roller coaster.
People start crowding around to watch this man screaming his head off, while some people further away worry about what's happening and come to check it out. Some members of the crowd start to record the man as his heart could explode any time soon, but it's alright since he's only in a virtual reality roller coaster.
After more than a minute, the ride ends and the roller coaster's attendant takes off his virtual reality headset. The man screams when the attendant takes off the headset. Maybe it was because he thought the attendant was a ghost come to take his head off?
The crowd of people watching start to laugh at the man, and he laughs as soon as he realizes it was all only a virtual reality experience. He has to catch his breath as he converses with the attendant, most likely apologizing for being so loud.
After that, the video ends. Would you survive a virtual reality roller coaster without being scared? Would you even go near anything related to virtual reality?
Comments on the video range from funny to concerned. One user said, "Look at him go wild like a monkey!"
Another user mentioned, "That was funny, but dang, maybe they should have it in a more separated area of the mall."
Watch the video for yourself below:
Read Also : A Short Guide to Virtual Reality in 2020
The Story Behind The Video
According to the description of the original video from ViralHog on YouTube, the events in the video took place in Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil on June 7 of 2017.
Surprisingly, the man in the video is the one who sent the video to ViralHog. His friend was the one holding the camera recording the whole video.
The man went to the mall to purchase some sneakers, but then he saw the virtual reality roller coaster installation. It tempted him so he decided to hop on and ask his friend to record him experiencing it.
The installation is a Rilix VR Roller Coaster, which you can find on the Bungee Supply website if you're looking to set one up yourself. Be warned, it costs a lot for the whole installation. So, it would be best if you found a decent virtual reality headset instead.

This hilarious video is just a man enjoying a virtual reality rollercoaster. By enjoying, I mean being scared out of his mind.