Fans of the Bravely Default franchise, here is some exciting news for you.
According to the official Bravely Default Twitter account, the next chapter in the franchise will be out soon as it has entered the final stages of development as noted by Dualshockers.
But with its anticipated release, this also spells the end of Bravely Default Fairy's Effect's service two months from now which is an Android/iOS free-to-play game developed by Square Enix.
The End of Bravely Default Fairy's Effect Online Service
Iyane Agossah, a Japanese speaker and fellow RPG enthusiast of Dualshockers gives a decent translation of the tweet as you can see below:
Bravely Default Fairy's Effect official twitter account: "[End of Service Notification]: Bravely Default Fairy's Effect will be shutting down on August 31, 2020, at 1500 JST. We would like to offer our passionate gratitude to the players, and our sincere apologies for this announcement."
The Bravely Default 2 official twitter account, quoting the tweet above: "BDFE was a big hit and it's thanks to it that the development of Default 2 could begin. We offer our thanks to the BDFE development team and to all its players. And now, it's our turn! The development of Default 2 is finally in its final stage. We'll keep going!"
本作のヒットのおかげでデフォルト2が開発がスタートできました。 BDFE開発の皆さま、プレイヤーの皆さま、ありがとうございます。 そして次は私たちのターンです…! デフォルト2の開発もいよいよ終盤戦。
(ちなみに今日は10時間MTGでした ^^;) — ブレイブリーデフォルトII公式 (@BDFF_OFFICIAL) June 26, 2020
It was thanks to the success of the mobile game that Bravely Default 2 got the green light and began with the development.
Bravely Default 2's Story
In a news article from Gaming Bolt, the developers Tomoya Asano and Masashi Takahashi decided to call it Bravely Default 2 is because this game will be an entirely different story with a bunch of whole new characters that will take place in a whole new world, despite being the third game in the franchise.
This game is also said to be different from the rest in terms of its tone and style as it will not only feature more adult characters, but will also have a more mature story.
Asano and Takahasi also shared about the possibility of adding an online feature of the game which they expect fans to look forward to in the game's release. For now, you can check out the video below.