Are you trying to figure out how to be safe on your motorcycle? Read this article to learn more the most important motorcycle safety tips.
Motorcyclists are 27 more times likely to die in a car crash than passengers in a car.
Because of that, whether you're thinking about buying a motorcycle or have had one for years, its essential that you take proper precautions while riding one.
Luckily, we've compiled a list of the top motorcycle tips. Keep reading for five motorcycle safety tips you need to be doing.
1. Wear Protective Clothing and Gear
One of the best things you can do to improve motorcycle safety is to wear the proper gear and garments.
A helmet will protect your head against serious injuries. If you choose not to wear one, you increase the risk that you'll suffer a severe head injury by 5x.
Aside from a helmet, you should also invest in other protective gear. Gloves will keep your hands safe and will keep any pebbles that fly up from hurting your knuckles.
Leather clothing and boots with nonskid soles will also help keep you safe while riding.
2. Be a Defensive Driver
As is the case when driving a car, you should always be a defensive driver as opposed to an offensive one.
Road rage is a real phenomenon and can make a pleasant drive home into something entirely different.
Aside from keeping your own cool, remember that you are in a much more exposed position on a motorcycle. Try not to do anything to antagonize other drivers, and if you do see someone else driving irresponsibly, keep your distance.
Don't let your ego or pride come in the way of your life.
3. Keep Your Distance
Another aspect of being a defensive driver means keeping your distance from other cars. Oftentimes, there is only one motorcycle on the road, while there are many larger and heavier other vehicles.
When you're behind another vehicle, you should give it a two-second following distance. This will give you enough time to react if they make a sudden or unexpected movement.
Staying away from other vehicles will help you stay safe.
4. Make Sure You're Always Visible
When driving, try your best to stay out of people's blind spots. Cars can be difficult enough to see in certain situations, but motorcycles can appear invisible.
Respect the space of others, and always be aware of potential dangers.
If you do suffer a motorcycle crash, make sure you take the appropriate steps immediately afterward.
5. Be Aware of Weather
If the weather forecast doesn't look great, it might be best to hold off on riding until it clears.
Water can make roads slippery, as can other liquids such as oil. You should also pay attention to other obstacles in the road, such as leaves and lawn clippings. Although a car can go over them with no problem, they can be dangerous to motorcyclists.
If you get caught in bad weather while riding, be extra careful.
Any Other Motorcycle Safety Tips?
Riding a motorcycle can be fun and exhilarating, but make sure you are always riding safely.
Do you have any other motorcycle safety tips? If you do, let us know!
If you enjoyed this article, don't forget to check out some of our other blog posts.
Additional Motorcylce Safety tip is to pass your motorcycle permit test, check 2021 DMV Motorcycle test.