Andrew Hristo is a successful young businessman who has been traveling the world and running multiple six-figure companies from his laptop since graduating from the University of Miami. This highly motivated 25-year-old entrepreneur from South Australia has been hustling the online marketplace since he was just 13. He's currently involved in numerous ventures, including a social media marketing agency, an e-commerce enterprise, and an online mentorship program.
The "laptop lifestyle," as Andrew puts it, is the flexibility to be your own boss while pursuing the lifestyle you want by working from anywhere in the world. Andrew knew from a young age that he wanted to work for himself and has always had a good understanding of business and technology. He also dreamed of the freedom to be able to travel whenever he wanted, and so decided to pursue a career that would allow and support that dream.
Mr. Hristo has been constantly looking for new ways to make money online since he was a teen; he even started an e-commerce business by importing goods and selling them on eBay when he was just 13 years old. He continued pursuing business opportunities after moving to the US to get his degree and has been involved in various industries, including personal training, influencer marketing, social media marketing, and e-commerce, of course.
Going through those experiences and learning all of those skills has afforded Andrew Hristo valuable insights into what life and business mean to him. He realized that this generation is blessed to be able to utilize the internet and market to the whole world. Growing up in a small town, Andrew knew that he had to expand his horizons and create businesses that would help him appeal to a wider audience. He also learned that drop-shipping and social media marketing were both ventures he could pursue and manage from anywhere as long as he had an internet connection and a laptop. So he put in the hard work and time to grow those businesses.
It wasn't all working from the beach and sipping cocktails, however. Mr. Hristo learned the hard way that he couldn't do everything himself and had to be patient in order to let his businesses grow. "Too many people spend all their time planning and coming up with ideas but fail to actually execute on them. A lot of the things that you think you may not know, you will learn and pick up on during the journey of building a business," he said. He also mentions that a business owner shouldn't waste their time on small tasks that don't create revenue, like constantly checking emails. That's why he always looks to delegate low revenue tasks to (mostly virtual) employees. This frees up his time to focus on the high profit activities like sales calls and building effective sales tunnels.
Business acumen is only half the battle, however, according to Mr. Hristo. He strongly believes that a positive mindset and balance in other life areas are equally important, and that many business owners tend to forget this. A proper diet and training regimen along with ensuring optimal sleep/brain function helps him reduce stress and perform at his peak while avoiding burnout.
When times get tough, as they inevitably do, Andrew thinks of the lifestyle he wants to achieve in order to keep himself going. According to him, this ability to keep a strong focus on the end goal is what separates the business owners who make it from those who fail. This is why Andrew's advice for entrepreneurs who are just starting out is to "ensure that you have a clear understanding of your 'why.' This will enable you to find your purpose and passion, which will help you along the journey and enable you to overcome any challenges."
Mr. Hristo continues to grow his e-commerce and social media businesses. His plans for the future involve helping others grow their own online businesses, and he's started down that path, having already helped over 500 students start their own e-commerce businesses. He hopes to reach 1 million people one day and to help them find empowerment in all areas of their lives.
If you'd like to see what Andrew Hristo is up to and want to follow his incredible business growth and travels around the world, take a look at his Instagram page @andrewhristo.