Shayna Goldburg is the Chief of Human Resources at SetSchedule, a software company that redefines how people buy and sell homes, making industry connections with top rated agents simple. The innovative suite of tools developed for real estate professionals by Roy Dekel CEO and co-founder Udi Dorner in 2014, set the team up for sustainable success long before the Pandemic. In just six years, SetSchedule has since facilitated over $1 billion in real estate transactions and powered a previously face-to-face industry through the pandemic.
While the pandemic has caused many companies to slow down employee hiring, or even layoff employees, SetSchedule is lucky to continue to grow, and has established hiring goals to expand and bring 200 available positions to the Irvine region by the end of the year. They have position openings in Sales, Tech, Human Resources, Finance, Product Management, Data, QA and Customer Service.
At SetSchedule the people are the core of what they do, leading the way through technology, they are looking for forward thinking team members that want to make their mark, and reach their full potential. Goldburg and her team have continued to source Irvine and the surrounding areas for future SetSchedulians to fill immediate openings.
How has the shutdown impacted SetSchedule Hiring and what can startups learn from those challenges?
While SetSchedule is still hiring and growing, that aspect of the company only tells half of the story. Many things changed here, from hiring, onboarding, and training. Moving to a 100% virtual experience created several challenges. Of course there are always hiccups when you take on new challenges, make changes, or accelerate programs because you are exposed to unknowns that impact the company, and SetSchedule was not an exception to the rule. New startups should learn that challenges are temporary. That tough or new experiences can create opportunities, whether it is an opportunity to grow, an opportunity to change or analyze the system you have in place. At Setschedule, we took this challenge head on. Some of the hiring and training were successful while others weren't and this perspective gave us an opportunity to really find out why? What makes the position successful? What are best practices from the perspective of the employee, and how we can improve moving forward.
What has been your guiding light and motivation during the pandemic?
SetSchedule has never stopped working, and we are lucky enough to have each other to continue to push us. We have accelerated almost everything here, from tech, to hiring. We have even released new products like the Home Shopper Concierge services, and SetHello, which allows Pros and Consumers to engage with each other in real time via an audio and video conference room.
What can business owners do to avoid employee ruts or burnout that comes with routine change or the never ending day of work at home?
I know that it is simple, but taking a lunch break, a real one, away from your desk, at a real table, with a plate, and utensils can help you take a breather, and return to work with the right mindset. While you can be at your computer all day, or laptop, a simple and short change of scenery breaks up the day, gives you a routine, and can set you up to be successful for the rest of the workday.
Do you think the pandemic has redefined today's modern employee?
I think employees come with certain expectations of health and safety that businesses have to address. Many businesses have made permanent changes to address these. SetSchedule too has made permanent changes like switching from a wide open floor plan to cubicles, and dividers, expanding offices and implementing measures like, temperature checks and cleaning regimes. We all look at things differently. Meetings are virtual, hang outs are small, and connections require planning and effort. Today's modern employee expects those extra efforts to ensure a safe place to work.
Crisis management calls for planning for the best- and worst-case scenarios. How can startups avoid getting stuck in an endless cycle of "if-then" strategizing, and create focused, realistic goals?
All businesses need emergency plans. Obviously you can't plan for every scenario, but there can be risks you can mitigate, like having a work from home or telecommuting agreement for emergency situations, safety protocols for injuries, and guidelines for reporting and responding to incidents or safety risks. These policies ensure effective response when a critical situation occurs and often allows the company to continue with minimal interruption.
Looking ahead, how do you see technology promoting economic growth and stability?
Technology provides a wealth of knowledge and tools improving operations and essentially lowering the cost of doing business. These advancements will increase job opportunities. While labor markets or routine mechanized labor may be affected negatively, the technology provides a landscape for job creation as well. There will be a shift from the jobs of yesterday to the jobs of tomorrow, but there is a place for all. I mean do you really think we still need elevator operators, movie projectionists, or telephone operators? Of course not, because new technology made them obsolete, but with that new jobs appeared to continue to develop, repair, service, sell, inspect, test and invent. Today we have jobs like, social media managers, digital marketers, software engineers, content creators, and so much more that didn't even exist 50 years ago. Technology makes life better, fills a need, and stabilizes the economy. With technology we have much more to gain than lose.