Many believe that the future of entertainment will be defined by virtual reality. The ability to leave this world and go to another while sitting in the comfort of one's living room is incredible, and other sensations, aside from sight, will be included in the future. Where are we with VR right now, though? What are the best virtual reality apps for Android when you're feeling lonely? We're going to show you everything you need to know.
Google Cardboard
Of course, Google is highly invested in the virtual reality efforts of the modern-day. Google Cardboard might look silly, but it is a step in the right direction for people that want a simple way to access a virtual reality experience. This is meant to be an affordable means of accessing VR's digital world; you essentially get the parts and build it yourself, too. Viewing the content through the lenses provided, people without access to typical high-end development kits can develop software and experience it through this tool and the accompanying apps. That will take your mind to new places and let you achieve new heights of success.
YouTube VR
YouTube VR is another Android app that offers a premium experience for people looking to make connections in the digital world. There are generally two sides to the YouTube VR experience: the creators and the consumers. The creators with this app get tips on how to shoot at 180° and 360°. That allows them to facilitate their creative efforts while also giving the viewers or consumers of VR the ability to see their VR art. The app, combined with the headset, allows the users to look at videos in a very interesting medium that can connect music and videos.
Google Daydream
Google Daydream is another fantastic option that people have when trying to stave off loneliness in their lives. The Daydream app has a wide variety of implementations that allow the user to look at 3D photographs, 360° photos, and many more. You can see the interior of some famous person's home, watch animals roam, and play video games. This is an amazing system that you can utilize to have an incredible time.
Fulldive VR
Fulldive VR might not have the famous name attached to it like some others, but its concept is just as interesting. For one thing, Fulldive VR is more of a social experience than any of the others. You can see what other people are watching, learn more about the creators, and see all kinds of different VR content. There are over a million different 360° videos online right now, and they cover all sorts of interesting topics, from space to ocean exploration and more. It's a great experience with the social element to see people that share your interests.
Expeditions started as a tool designed to help teach students about the world in a virtual setting. As such, you can expect to take on an explorer's role and see different pieces of the planet that you might never see otherwise. The teacher can set up lessons with an entire group of students at a single time, taking them to the highest mountains and even outer space. The program comes with 800 different expeditions loaded and ready for you to utilize to educate the young people in your life.
Discovery VR
Discovery is known for its amazing grasp of the planet and beyond, so their VR setup is like nothing you've seen before. You can look at different worlds, watch programs about the origin of the universe, and look at the bottom of the ocean with incredible clarity. The VR app is lightweight and easy to run, but it's very rich in its content.
InCell VR
InCell VR is a virtual game that you can use to educate yourself about cells in the human body. Aside from the typical healthy cells that you will run into while examining the human body, you'll also find viruses and learn about small parts of the cell's functions. The tool is effective at education but not as high-quality as some of the others on the list. It's a relatively compact VR app but still worth checking out.
Trying to rid yourself of loneliness with VR is something that everyone has thought about. After all, VR holds the potential to connect people in ways like never before. Yet not everything that you do on VR is about learning. Thanks to expert reviews will know more about VR developing in dating. That will open up a whole new possibility for people that are tired of feeling alone in the modern-day.