This year hasn't been easy on anyone. We are near its end, and while there is a vaccine on the way, it will be a long time until things return to normal. In the meanwhile, we are having wave after wave and lockdowns galore.
This has led to more mental health issues among the public, especially during the holiday season. If you're someone who is having difficulties maintaining their mental health during all of this, you're not alone.
In this post, we will tell you some ways you can maintain your mental health as COVID-19 continues.
Find a New Hobby
Most of us are trapped inside, and there isn't too much to do. One activity that's fun is gaming, but it is possible for you to get burnt out due to that. From watching movies to surfing the Internet, there's only so much you can do.
Think about something you wanted to try. Have you wanted to learn a new language? Perhaps you want to rearrange the house. No matter what your answer is, finding a new hobby can be beneficial for your mental health during these times.
2020 is a year where many of us have not been moving around as much. From the gyms closing down to it being cold outside, that does make sense. However, you should try to work out as much as possible. Exercise is good for your mental health. It boosts your confidence, releases endorphins, and gives you something to focus on. If the gym is shut down, why not go for an outside run? If you can't do that, invest in a treadmill, do some crunches, or run in place. Just a little bit of running can help you in the long run.
This is a year where we are seeing our friends less. However, you should still try to communicate with your friends any way you can. Send them a message online, or schedule a video call. Doing so can give you a mental health boost.
Don't Drink Too Much
2020 has seen an increase in drinking. Who can blame people? More people are stuck at home, and the world around us makes us demand a stiff drink. If you're having a glass of wine on occasion or cracking open a beer to celebrate the weekend, that's not a bad thing. However, if you are someone who is drinking every day, cut back. It's not good for you, and it can be an expensive habit.
Get Enough Rest
It's important to get the right amount of sleep. It can differ from person to person, but the recommended amount is around 7-9 hours.
Many people oversleep or have insomnia during COVID-19. Practicing good sleep hygiene can solve these problems.
Spend the last hour of your day relaxing and unwinding. If you can, avoid naps. When you relax, avoid looking at screens that have blue light, which can keep you awake. Don't do anything that can agitate you mentally.
Keep your room cool and only use your bed for sleeping or sex. Should you be unable to sleep, get out of bed and do something that can relax you. Do not be afraid to seek professional help if you are still having issues.
Surround Yourself With Positive News
It's difficult for you to turn on the TV or get on social media without hearing more doom and gloom. While it is important to expose yourself to the realities of the world, it's also okay to reel back a little bit should you need to.
One way for you to do so is to mute what makes you depressed and consume more uplifting news that can make you hopeful. You may find that this increases your happiness quite a bit.
Take a Walk in Nature
While we are all social distancing, there is nothing wrong with taking a nice walk outside and enjoying the fresh air. The sunlight can help you, especially during the wintertime. Not to mention, it can give you the exercise you are looking for, too. See if there's any place that's worth walking around at, and do so. You will be glad that you did when all is said and done.
Seek Help
Finally, this is a time of uncertainty. If your mental health is difficult to maintain, there is no shame in talking to a professional. Therapy can give you hope and give your life a purpose in a world that feels so meaningless.
One way for you to get help is to click here. There, you can get a diagnosis without having to leave your home. This can be a convenient way for you to see what is going on with your mental health, then seek the help you need.
Marie Miguel Biography
Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with Mind-Diagnostics.org. With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.