The newly released "Cyberpunk 2077" features the "Cyberware" option for the customization of the players' character, V, who serves as the game's main protagonist.
Cyberware are the in-game items used to modify or boost body parts with effects and additional stats. It enhances V's body and provides abilities in which it could be used during explorations and fights, like giving buffs to the character.
As of now, there are a total of 20 Cyberware mods available so far which could be used to modify V. It encompasses 11 different body parts, ranging from V's head part up to leg parts. Each body part has its own number of slots available. One Cyberware item can be installed in one slot.
Cyberware Tiers and Types
Cyberware items also has different tier classifications in which it could be upgraded as wished by the player. Items and parts are marked with a variety of tiers, such as common, uncommon, rare, epic, and legendary. As the items go higher in tier, its price also elevates, in which the higher the tier the more expensive the item would eventually cost. Items belonging in the higher tier would also require higher attribute stats in order to make it work and effective to the character.
There are three types of Cyberware in the game. These are the Active Cyberware - which could be used after accomplishing a required action to activate, the Passive Cyberware - where there are no actions required to use the item, and the Triggered Cyberware - could be activated in time where different conditions are met along the way.
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Some of the Cyberware mods in the game which have the greatest number of available slots are the Frontal Cortex, Circulatory System, and the Integumentary System. All of those mods are equipped with 3 slots, and 3 items could be installed on those mods.
Getting Cyberware Through Ripperdocs
The player could be able to purchase additional Cyberware whenever he or she would drop by a "Ripperdoc" - or the doctors in "Cyberpunk 2077" which V can visit as the player progresses in the game. Ripperdoc locations can be tracked as vendors that are marked on the side map with little forceps icon. A huge amount of Ripperdocs can be accessed in the game's Night City.
Each Ripperdoc, however, would not be able to sell the same items as the other Ripperdocs in the game at times. So, it is advisable that the player may purchase the item/s which a certain Ripperdoc offers especially those which are on sale.
Cyberware items are also priced with a significant number of Eurodollars, or the game's in-game money for microtransactions used in various countries. The more rare or higher-tiered the Cyberware items is, the higher the price of it of course. Other Ripperdocs in the game may also be able to sell some Crafting Specs for the players in which they could use to craft and create their own Cyberware items instead of buying it with such high price.
For a complete list of the "Cyberpunk 2077" Cyberware mods and items, click here.
If you wish to know how to install Cyberware mods, there is a video recently uploaded by Youtuber WowQuest. Watch below:
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