A new cinematic trailer featuring Sylvanas Windrunner - the current villain for the latest expansion of the renowned "World of Warcraft" (WoW) game by Blizzard Entertainment has been leaked, in which it brought worries about the villain's fate from the fans themselves.
The new trailer was posted on the official YouTube channel of Wowhead, which is known to produce cutscenes, cinematic trailers, and many other different contents mainly revolving around various aspects of WoW.
The New Trailer's Highlights
The trailer shows and mainly highlights Sylvanas who was having a conversation with Anduin. Fans then quickly speculated that this may signify a face turn for the villain herself, who was known for being one of the most notorious in various storylines of the game.
Some of the most notable acts of crime done by Sylvanas include spreading a plague-like attack to Gilneas which went against the Horde leadership, after it became a reverse of express orders in the WoW: Cataclysm. Also, she might have been also the one behind the infamous act of Wrathgate in WoW: Wrath of the Litch King.
Other crimes the established villain committed in the past games also list Sylvanas paving the way for a genocide through arson to take place in Battle for Azeroth, which continued when she still kept on killing and murdering, as well as controlling the minds of those who got in her way.
Yet the new cinematic trailer may imply that the renowned evil, murderous villain may somewhat have a change of heart and turn back on to the evilness she has absorbed within for the past ten years in the different WoW games she went along. Although the trailer also gave a resemblance where some fans were reminded of the famous Lich King promo shot.
Some similarities and comparisons were pointed out by some, in which it may give the impression that two of the most notable characters from the WoW which were designed and created by Blizzard themselves may be connected at some point, or both are just having a same road or path the much later potentially established villain turned heroine would take on along the way.
Some of the Fans' Takeaway
As for the crimes and image Sylvanas has manifested in the past and also in her current state, it may be somehow difficult to believe in the theory that she may go on to the right path and become a good one. Aside from the mentioned records of her past crimes above, she was also known for not showing or expressing even very little remorse according to video game entertainment website Polygon.
Some tend to believe in the face turn theory, yet some still hope that the villain would keep her evilness within, and that no such drama may cause her to introduce another possible storyline which may see her as someone who underwent a change of heart - supported by speculated plans of Sylvanas according to Screenrant.
The video uploaded by Wowhead is titled "Sylvanas' Choice Cinematic - Shadowlands", which now sits at a total of almost 445,000 views all in all.