One of the first things any new business starts with is a website. Building a website is a sophisticated and expensive project. For an aspiring entrepreneur, the cost of a professional design project might go well above a budget.
Since the early 2000s, CMSs (short for popular Content Management Systems) have entered the market of website development. With the help of a CMS, users manage their websites without having to write a code. A wide range of shareware templates gives them the possibility to choose a website's layout. Sounds like a cost-efficient solution. But is using a website template such a good idea?
Specialists of design studios say one has to think twice before creating a website with CMS or DIY templates. Let's try to understand why.
What Are the Disadvantages of a Website Made with Templates?
1. Standard design and, therefore, poor impression
There are many templates to choose from, but they are used relentlessly by hundreds of other businesses. The result is the lack of web design individuality. The usage of a website template limits your creativity to a very significant degree. Templates help create a predictable design quickly, but the end result would never match a custom website. Is it what you want?
2. Limited customization
The functionality of a template is limited. You might not notice it in the beginning but quite soon, your company will need to add some features or change website functionality. Then you will find how difficult it is to customize your website. There will always be something a template doesn't let you change. And you will have to choose between putting up with the lack of functionality and spending more time and money to build a new website.
3. Weak SEO capacity
Templates have limited SEO options. It is difficult to modify their code because it is not of high quality and often not compatible with new tools. Making your website range high in search engines is an ongoing process, which is best performed by a marketing professional. Templates make SEO harder and less fulfilling.
4. Pathetic security and unreliable support
Templates are easy to hack, and technical support is not very alert. If your web site doesn't run like clockwork, you are likely to lose money and make a poor impression on your clients. The website might be a source of potential problems to visitors if it starts spreading a virus or leaking personal data after a hacker attack. It is an extreme scenario, but if it happens once, you will lose your clients' trust forever.
5. Lower page downloading speed compared to a tailor-made website
Templates are slower to upload because they include more code. The excessive code helps a template answer all possible needs and match all tastes. But it makes adjustments more complicated and results in a speed decrease.
The reasons for using templates are that you get your website done in no time and with lesser costs. But the end result would be mediocre. A website built on a template will always attract fewer clients than a professionally designed one. Due to a lower position in search engine results, fewer potential clients will find your website. Because of its boring design and lower usability, people who start using the resource will find it difficult to like it. Additionally, you will have problems with keeping it running.
What you get if you work with professionals:
impressive and trendy design coupled with intuitive and user-friendly navigation thanks to the wider horizons of a developing team along with lots of experience and the usage of professional software, which might be too expensive to buy for a one-off project;
logical, coherent website structure and flexibility in its development in the future;
great technical support, regular maintenance, and SEO expertise.
Start working with professionals, and you will attract more clients and see your website making money for years to come!