Understanding Cybersecurity Attacks and Regulations

Understanding Cybersecurity Attacks and Regulations
Understanding Cybersecurity Attacks and Regulations

The prefix "cyber" is usually used in tandem with anything that relates to computing, the internet, or general information technology. Therefore, it only makes sense that "cybersecurity" refers to the processes, tools, techniques, and resources that are used to ensure that computers and technologies are secured.

Data is easily accessible on the internet. This is a good thing for people who need to host their data online, but can potentially be a bad thing when hackers want to steal data. For this reason, security is very important. With good security, only public domain data is accessible, while private data (like personal information, log in credentials, or confidential information) is hidden.

Attackers use such private information for various things, some of which are:

  • identity theft

  • fraudulent transactions

  • selling accounts for money

Cybersecurity is a field in information technology that focuses on protecting systems and networks from cyber-threats such as unauthorized access to information or resources.

A common way that attackers access a system is through vulnerabilities discovered. Therefore, continuous vulnerability management is critical when developing and managing systems. It's important to understand some common cybersecurity threats, as well as best practises that can protect you from these threats.

Let's first look at potential threats you can face if you have weak cybersecurity measures in place for your accounts or applications.

Cyber Security Attacks

There are countless ways an attacker can compromise your system through its inherent vulnerabilities. We're going to briefly discuss 4 of the most common ones.

1. Denial of service attack

Often called a DoS attack, a Denial of service attack aims to make a system's services unavailable. Attackers accomplish this by sending heavy loads of traffic to the application such that it cannot handle it, or by sending information that can crash the system.

In some DoS attacks, the attackers can take advantage of vulnerabilities and gain access to private information, but the most common use of such attacks is to keep a system inactive - causing loss of time, money, and users.

2. Phishing

Phishing is an illegal attempt to obtain confidential information (like usernames, credit card information - anything that a person can be identified with online) from users of a service or application. Attackers do this by impersonating a trustworthy or legal institution and contacting users to lure them in providing such information.

With access to this confidential information, attackers can steal a user's identity or execute fraudulent transactions that can result in account loss or financial loss.

3. Malware attacks

Malware is malicious software installed on a computer without the permission of the system owner. It is often used by an attacker to gain control over a person's system. Such software is installed when users visit particular websites, click on malicious click-bait links, or download unsafe files. Hackers can use this control to perform unauthorized commands maliciously, like gaining private information for nefarious purposes.

4. Backdoors

A backdoor is a secret method that attackers use to bypass regular system user authentication. Backdoors are not always created by the attackers. They may be a vulnerability or flaw in the system which leaves a small space through which hackers can enter. This especially happens when an application supports many third-party services or external ways of entry.

Cybersecurity Best Practices

Just as there are numerous attacks, there are also several ways to prevent them. Attacking employees of a company is the closest way to accessing secret information of that company. Below are ways employees or company managers can prevent security attacks:

1. Avoid unknown links, pop-ups, and emails

Attackers use this method to phish confidential information which they can use to attack a company. As an employee, even though you may have restricted access to resources, you may still be able to get attackers to just the resources they need to execute their plans. Avoid these malicious items means not falling for their trap. It's important to stay vigilant, so if you receive something suspicious in your mailbox, either ignore it or reach out to your company's cybersecurity team.

2. Strong password and authentication methods

Strong passwords make it hard for attackers to put letters and numbers together to get access to your site. Strong passwords usually have a mixture of letters, numbers, and special characters; in combination with strong authentication methods like 2FA or authenticator apps, you get an additional layer of security when your account wants to be accessed. This also helps to prevent backdoors as attackers will have to provide more information than normal to get access.

3. Have backups

It is important to have data backups in case your system is compromised by a cybersecurity attack. With many regulations in play, attackers may still squirrel their way into your application, and before you take them out, they may have tampered with some files already. Having regular data backups helps to prevent information loss.

4. Install malware protection software

The presence of malware may not be discovered until some files are no longer accessible or the system in which the malware lives begins to misbehave. Using malware protection software, you can regularly scan your devices to ensure that there is no malware, and if they exist, such software can help remove them immediately.

5. Hire Security Experts

The best way to regulate security attacks is to hire experts in that field. Such experts know the possible paths an attacker can take and can preemptively ensure that those paths are not accessible. They can work with the IT department to create secure tools to protect confidential information.


Cybersecurity is an important part of building products and services. The more the users, the higher the need for security to ensure you don't put your users or your the company at risk of cyber-threats.

In this article, we've looked at 4 popular cybersecurity attacks and 5 cybersecurity best practises that companies can put in place to ensure the building of secured systems.

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