Milad Hatami, a young stock exchanger, millionaire, and Instagram star, shares his thoughts on money and family.
"My attitude toward money has evolved. Now I see money as a means to an end rather than an end in itself. We must handle money as though it were a medium of trade. Understanding money has helped me search out new ways to raise and multiply it, as shown by my various business ventures." Hatami shared.
Family Relationship
Milad Hatami believes that the value of family in a person's life cannot be overstated. A stable relationship with one's family is vital to one's overall well-being. Individuals benefit from stable family relationships, which lead to their well-being and success in society. He states that he is always grateful to have close ties with his family members.
Building family relationships necessitates a concerted effort on the part of all family members. While establishing and maintaining healthy relationships is challenging, Milad Hatami strives to have a healthy relationship with his family members and willing to put in the effort needed.
Here, he shares some tips for building and maintaining a healthy family relationship.
"I have a few ideas to help you strengthen your relationship with your family." He suggests.
Offer and Accept Support.
Be Emotionally available.
Money and Family
Milad Hatami is no stranger to the challenges posed to reconcile being there for family members while still seeking opportunities to make money. Although he has a healthy relationship with his family as a prosperous businessman, he admits that it wasn't accomplished in one day. He also added that it is possible to have a stable family relationship while still making money, without one's success interfering with the success of the other.
He shares some ways to keep money and family paths apart.
Establish your priorities and set out a strategy to achieve them.
Let your needs be known to your family members.
Keep your promises to your loved ones. (Assume the position of a trustworthy individual.)
Work hard; it can sound cliched, but hard work pays off. (I am a living example of how hard work pays off.)
Never let the pursuit of riches interfere with your relationships with family members.