'Valheim' Shelter Guide: How to Harvest, Cut and Make Your Own Stone House

'Valheim' Shelter Guide: How to Harvest, Cut and Make Your Own Stone House
Building a stone house in "Valheim" can be a bit taxing, but it's certainly worth it. Player 2/YouTube Screenshot

A big part of "Valheim" is the construction feature. Players can have numerous building styles, with some even constructing real-world structures such as the Eiffel Tower and the Notre Dame. For some, upgrading from a wooden cabin to a stone house is already a big achievement.

With that said, here's a brief guide to build your own castle or house with stone pieces in "Valheim."

How to Build Stone Houses in "Valheim"

According to Gamespot, players may want to advance to the bronze age in "Valheim." In order to do so, you will need a Stonecutter, which is a crafting station that makes building stones structures possible.

Making a Stonecutter requires access to Iron that is located in the Swamp biome and by defeating two bosses in the game, Eikthyr and The Elder.

Gathering Materials in "Valheim"

There are two ways to get Iron. First is to go into the Swamp biome and get the Swamp Key to access the Sunken Crypts, where Iron is collectible. The second one is by collecting Tin and Cooper Ores that "Valheim" players can smelt using the Smelter.

Defeating Eikthyr in "Valheim" will grant you the Hard Antler, which can be crafted into the Antler Pickaxe, an essential item used for mining rocks and cutting them into Tin and Copper, which makes Iron. Tin can be found in waterways and around the coast, usually in the Meadows or Black Forest biomes. Meanwhile, Cooper can be found in the Black Forest biomes, looking like large boulders sticking out from the ground.

On the other hand, defeating The Elder in "Valheim" will reward you with the Swamp Key that can be used to unlock the gets to the Sunken Crypts. In the Crypts, you will find Muddy Scraps Piles that block the doorways throughout the Crypts. To retrieve Scraps Piles, you must strike the doorways with the Antler Pickaxe to reveal the Muddy piles, as it will be needed to craft the Stonecutter, as IGN noted.

Also Read: 'Valheim': Summoning and Strategy to Defeat The Elder of The Black Forest [GUIDE]

How to Build a Stonecutter in "Valheim"

Once you have enough Iron, you can now craft the rest of the tools and crafting station you need to start construction. Use two Irons, four Stones, and 10 Woods to make a Stonecutter and a new crafting station that works like a Workbench when building. Put the Workbench near the Stonecutter since you will need to stay near the Stonecutter for the building to work.

According to GameSkinny, the Stonecutter tool will allow you to build stone walls, stone floors, stone pillars, stone arches and even stone stairs. Just remember that building stones requires many stone resources. But the stone resources are abundant in "Valheim" since you can gather materials from boulders, ground and rocks.

To note, you will also have to look for the structural integrity of the house that is a feature in the game.

Related Article: 'Valheim' Game Guide: How to Summon and Defeat Eikthyr [Strategy]

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