The upcoming "Pokemon Go" may 2021 event has just been announced, and trainers should be excited to see what Niantic will release soon.
This upcoming event will be filled with Dragon-types and Fairy-type Pokemons from the "Pokemon X and Y" versions. If trainers want to "catch 'em all," then here's a brief guide to help you out.
Xerneas on the Luminous Legend X Event in 'Pokemon Go' Raids
At the Luminous Event of "Pokemon Go," trainers will have a chance to catch the Life Pokemon, Xerneas, in the game. The Pokemon will only appear on five-star Raids since it is a Legendary Fairy-type. Fighting this Legendary Pokemon will require players to use Poison-type and Steel-type Pokemons like Roserade and Aggron.
Xerneas will debut on May 4 until May 18,, so trainers will have two weeks to have a chance to capture the legendary beast and have it in their Pokedex. For now, players can catch Incarnate Forme Tornadus, Incarnate Forme Thundurus, and Incarnate Forme Landorus on Raids that will eventually be over when Xerneas comes, as GOHUB reported.
In the upcoming May 2021 Event, players will also have the chance to catch Mega Venusaur, Mega Lopunny, and Mega Charizard on Mega Raids starting on May 4.
May 2021 'Pokemon Go' Luminous Legends X Event
According to Gamepur, Xerneas will not be the only Pokemon to debut in the game, as Spritzee, Swirlix, Goomy, and Pancham will also be in the Luminous Legends X event in May. Goomy will be the hardest one to catch in the wilds as it is a Dragon-type Pokemon, compared to Spritzee and Swirlix. But when players get it, they can evolve Goomy into Goodra.
Meanwhile, a global challenge will be held during the Luminous Legend X event, where the game will ask all the players worldwide to capture 500 million Fairy-type Pokemons in the wild. If players succeed, Niantic will debut Pancham in the game. This Pokemon is a Fighting-type one that trainers can evolve into Pangoro.
In the Luminous Legends X Event, Galarian Ponyta will come back with an all-new Shiny version of it. Players will have to catch this Shiny Pokemon during the game's Spotlight Hours. Speaking of Spotlight Hour, players can also find Cottonee, Dratini, Rattata, and Marill in the upcoming event. Note that one Pokemon will have a weekly feature during the Spotlight Hour.
Moreover, a new Rany Lure will debut during the Luminous Legends X event in May. This lure is a special type of bait that attracts Water, Electric, and Bug-type Pokemons when used in Pokestops. Using this type of lure will also attract Sliggoo, Goomy's second form.
For the hatching eggs department, players will have a higher chance of hatching Cleffa, Igglybuff, Gible, Swirlix, and Spritzee inside 7 KM eggs.
The upcoming Luminous Legends X Event in "Pokemon Go" will be one of the last significant events before the Season of Legends ends. However, Niantic will have an explosive May event to capture the hearts of every trainer worldwide.