What if Tom Holland acted as Peter Parker in "The Amazing Spider-Man" series? Tom would look a little older, smarter, and taller than he is now! A YouTuber took the challenge to Deepfake Holland over Andrew Garfield's version of Spider-Man, and the results look pretty cool.
In a quick overview, the original Spider-Man in Marvel comics featured a teenage superhero with a good and funny attitude. According to YouTuber Marvel/DC: Comic Movies, Spider-Man is "young and curious, witty and cracks jokes; and he behaves himself as all teenagers do."
Over the past 20 years of the character's history, many adaptations and versions of Peter Parker have been made. Some even became blockbusters and best sellers!
Andrew Garfield in 'The Amazing Spider-Man'
The "The Amazing Spider-Man" series was unfortunately one adaptation that did not do well. Various factors, including a few bad movie reviews, led Sony to cancel the franchise sequel.
One of the biggest critiques of the movie was that it's a "bad adaptation of Spider-Man." According to Quora answers, details like his superhero suit, "nerd" personality, and important history (like Uncle Ben's death) were all badly portrayed in the film.
Note, however, that Andrew Garfield is an excellent actor. He showed outstanding performance on movies outside the Spider-Man films. The problem is with the character story itself. "The Amazing Spider-Man" Peter Parker had a charming, charismatic and serious personality, which was the complete opposite of the comics Spider-Man that's a funny and witty dork.
On the flip side, Tom Holland's Spider-Man was a big hit to Marvel fans. He portrayed a Peter Parker that lived up to readers and viewers' expectations!
Because of this, a curious YouTuber suddenly got this idea to Deepfake Tom Holland in "The Amazing Spider-Man" movie.
Tom Holland Deepfake Video Inside 'The Amazing Spider-Man'
The results look pretty epic, with a twist. YouTuber stryder HD made a high-quality Deepfake of Tom Holland in the movie. Fanscould barely tell the difference from the original!
Holland's face is seamlessly integrated into Andrew Garfield's build, creating an older and mature version of Tom.
Unfortunately, the previous argument still stands. This Peter Parker in "The Amazing Spider-Man" is an incredibly serious character, different from Tom's bubbly adaptation.
So, the result is definitely a little odd. Fascinating, but weird too.
Update on 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'
This YouTube Deepfake video might be one of the many projects Marvel fans are doing to pass time while waiting "Spider-Man: No Way Home."
The incoming filmis a highly anticipated fourth iteration of "Spider-Man" in the MCU universe. Details for the movie are relatively scant, but fans are still hyped up for the next big appearance of your friendly neighborhood superhero.
The Guardian reported that some popular villains from the 20 years of Spiderman's history would appear in this movie, including Doctor Octopus (Alfred Molina) and Electro (Jamie Foxx). Fans are making theories that the movie would feature a big reunion between three of the most iconic Spider-Man in movie history, specifically acted by Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire.