Erica Griffin is well known in the YouTube realm for her tech reviews. Known as "The Technology Nerd," Griffin's channel has amassed over 887,000 subscribers who appreciate her incredibly in-depth style of tech reviews.
Read on to know about the thorough tech influencer.
Who Is Erica Griffin?
Considered the most "in-depth" tech reviewer, Erica Griffin truly has a dedicated series of videos that go "insanely in-depth" on her reviews on smartphones and gaming consoles.
As The Technology Nerd founder and editor-in-chief, she has earned the trust of her 887,000+ subscribers as she has kept her honest tone throughout the years, according to Influence 4 You. She presents the facts the way they are, pointing out the useful, the pretty, and the limits of the device and the technology updated.
Yep, I love this #iPadAir2020. Getting the Air over the Pro gives you a bit more money for this #MagicKeyboard. 100% recommend the keyboard! I do notice the lack of 120hz but I’ve adjusted to it fairly quickly. Green all the way for me. pic.twitter.com/nBc2GU9J80
— Erica Griffin (@iAm_erica) October 26, 2020
Griffin's eye for detail has also made it quite helpful for her viewers to make decisions between any two or three devices, as she gives her balanced opinions on each. These reviews can be for various smartphones, tablets, PCs, and even tech accessories.
The tech reviewer also showed off her tech skills by building a Nintendo Switch herself, for less than $300. The DIY Switch Lite has since then been featured on her YouTube channel where she talks about how to make the shell swap as well as how to create the DIY Animal Crossing Edition on the Switch Lite.
Tomorrow I will release my 85 inch TV video. It's really been something! lol You guys said you were curious. So I talked about it 😁 pic.twitter.com/mvDLXUqaLJ
— Erica Griffin (@iAm_erica) November 25, 2020
Griffin mentioned how her reviews are of tech that she purchases herself, but she does work with OEMs to receive and review test units. In the spirit of honesty and keeping the trust of her subscribers, Griffin is vocal about being open to sponsorship opportunities that are respectful of her "voice, style, and reputation for unbiased coverage."
The Technology Nerd uploads new videos every weekend though recently, uploads have staggered as she expects her baby. She is still active on her Twitter, where she does update her followers about her life as well post mini-reviews of any gadgets she's had her hands on.
Launch day #joycons 2017 vs Skyward Sword 2021 joy-cons. The black pads you see only exist on the right joy-con. I’ve never seen them on the left. All these talks lately of adding paper (pressure) between the case and stick. Nintendo hasn’t changed anything regarding this. pic.twitter.com/Wpr5GORZK8
— Erica Griffin (@iAm_erica) July 27, 2021
6 Things You Didn't Know About The Technology Nerd
6. Griffin graduated from the University of San Diego with a Bachelor of Science degree in Cognitive Science, according to Famous Birthdays.. With a specialization in Human Computer Interaction, she also minored in Digital Media Production.
5. In 2012, Griffin pursued a career as a full-time technology journalist and an independent reviewer. She uploaded her "insanely in-depth" reviews on YouTube where they gained traction and are what she is best known for.
4. She worked an odd job as a sales expert at the pet store Petco.
3. She began working with the company XDA-Developers as a blogger and reviewer in July of 2012.
2. She is currently pregnant with her first child, and it's a baby girl!
1. When introducing her husband to her subscribers, her YouTube video was titled "My Husband: Unboxing and Hands On."
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