Greg Rogowski has been the CEO of the Mining City platform since it launched in 2018. He is in charge of most of the events organized by the Mining City and is always on top of all the latest blockchain news.
Greg Rogowski began his career in the media industry. After graduating from Warsaw University with a degree in Marketing & Neophilology, he worked for prominent European media brands such as Radio Zet, Agora and TVN. He also worked as a Brand Manager in Ubisoft and as National Marketing Director at TVeez in Panama. Altogether he has more than fourteen years of experience in management and marketing.
The combination of Greg's professional expertise and a fascination with blockchain technology led him to start mining Bitcoin. His initial curiosity set him on a path to eventually developing one of the world's largest crypto mining communities - Mining City. This innovative and inclusive crypto mining platform brings together people from all over the world who want to combine their strength to mine Proof of Work cryptocurrencies. Since the project launched, he has travelled the world helping to spread the world about the merits of cryptocurrencies.
Greg has always been interested in science and art, which complement his creative and innovative business approach where abstract and lateral thinking is required. He shares his genuine interest in classical music and cars with enthusiasm for blockchain and cryptocurrencies in his private life. He is a native Polish speaker but he also speaks English fluently as well as intermediate French and Russian.
We recently spoke to Greg Rogowski to learn a little more about his background and insight into the future of Bitcoin.
How did you get started?
I originally got involved with crypto on a personal level in 2016. I can't remember exactly what piqued my interest, but I do remember suddenly being deep in the rabbit hole of this amazing new world.
So, I thought I will try my hand at Bitcoin mining. And after a couple of years, I decided to combine my professional background in media and advertising with my passion for cryptocurrency.
In 2018, I got a job at MineBest, a crypto mining company that my platform Mining City continues to have a strategic partnership with to this day.
What inspired you to start this business?
I was presented with the concept after speaking at a conference in Seoul in 2018. I thought initially that many companies out there would be doing a similar thing, but after some research, I realized that it was a relatively undiscovered market.
I decided to branch out on my own, leaving MineBest to found Prophetek Inc. Ltd and eventually launch the Mining City Platform. Mining City has since grown into one of the world's largest crypto mining communities and we continue to expand by the day.
How does Mining City make money?
To answer the question, my role at Mining City is to promote and help our community grow with us. Our motto is "together we grow".
Mining City is a platform that offers people the opportunity to combine their strength to mine cryptocurrency. We do this by providing hash power through our mining plans.
Hash power, in simple terms, is the unit of measurement used when mining a cryptocurrency. The more hash power you have, the better your chances of receiving cryptocurrency.
We offer hash power to mine Bitcoin, Bitcoin Vault and Electric Cash to our users.
How would you describe Bitcoin to someone who knew nothing about it?
Bitcoin was created in response to the 2008 financial crisis as an alternative currency, or medium of exchange, to the traditional fiat money that the world has grown accustomed to.
To explain it to a complete beginner, I would go over the brief history of money. For example, people used to trade goods, like a sack of potatoes for a loaf of bread. But this system was flawed due to there being no common value for each good.
Civilization advanced and started using things like gold as a currency to solve this problem. But gold was still ineffective as it was not easy to store and could be stolen or lost. Not to mention people who would clip the gold coins.
So then, civilization advanced again to solve this problem and our fiat, which means paper money was introduced. The issue with this version of currency is that the people issuing the paper money, the banks, have complete control over it. This can cause problems, many of which were exposed during the 2008 financial crisis.
Now, we get to Bitcoin, the next advancement civilization is taking. Using the power of the internet, Bitcoin was created as a decentralized digital currency that presents a solution to the issues of the centralized fiat currency system.
What do you think Bitcoin will be to the world in 10 years?
It's a hard question to answer, 10 years is a long time in the crypto world! But if you look at where Bitcoin was 10 years ago and how far it has come, I'd say we are definitely in for an exciting next decade.
There is one thing I can say for sure, and I mean for sure loosely, as nothing is certain when it comes to crypto. Bitcoin will most likely retain its current function as a great store of value and hedge against inflation and economic downturns. I can't see that changing anytime soon.
However, the way I personally envision the future of blockchain and cryptocurrency as a whole is one of complete functionality in the mainstream. I see people pulling out their phone, opening a DApp, and using it to order, for example, a pizza. And using cryptocurrency to pay for it seamlessly. All this in the same way regular centralized apps allow us to do now.
From a user's perspective, it is possible than in 10 years people will be using blockchain and cryptocurrency so easily that they won't even notice that they are doing it!
Big thank you to Greg Rogowski for sharing his thoughts and insights with our readers.