Marvel "What If...?" Episode 5 really took a dark turn. In this reality, a more radical interpretation of our favorite superheroes leaves them undead.
Here's what went down during the grisly episode.
'What If...?' Episode 5 Recap: Zombie Avengers
The previous episodes of "What If...?" explored the fates of Peggy Carter, T'Challa, and Doctor Strange after their Nexus events. This time around, the fans are introduced to a more infamous version of the Marvel superheroes: Zombie Avengers.
Before continuing with the rest of the article, be warned that there will be spoilers ahead.
What If Episode 5 spoilers without context. #WhatIf pic.twitter.com/EcdNxORjDR
— The Marvel Bulletin (@marvelbulletin_) September 8, 2021
The "timeline" of the episode diverges with the events of "Ant-Man and the Wasp" from the main MCU timeline, CNet said. In this one, however, Janet Van Dyne picked up a zombie virus while she was trapped in the Quantum Realm. Hank Pym rescued his long-lost love and wife and brougt her back to Earth--but that also meant bringing the zombie virus.
Scott Lang was the first victim and it did not take long for the virus to overwhelm Earth's mightiest heroes, Looper said. The zombie versions of the iconic heroes like Iron Man, Captain America, Doctor Strange, Hawkeye, Falcon, and Wong ruthlessly gorged on the flesh of just about everyone.
The surviving heroes--Spider-Man, Bruce Banner, the Wasp, Okoye, Bucky Barnes,and Sharon Carter--team up to secure a cure. But it wasn't easy.
In a very bleak turn of events, when the surviving heroes head to Camp Lehigh in New Jersey, they were met with droves of zombies. With not many options, the Wasp sacrificed herself so the rest can make it to the base.
It turns out Vision survived the zombie attacks thanks to the Mind Stone embedded in his brain, and he used this "immunity" to work on a cure with the goal to not only save others but especially his true love: Wanda Maximoff AKA the Scarlet Witch who was very much a flesh-eating zombie at this point.
To sustain his dear true love, Vision has been feeding survivors to Scarlet Witch, who he has kept in the depths of the base. One of the survivors Vision has been using? Black Panther, who Buck discovered in a back room with a missing leg.
Unfortunately, Wanda's chaotic magic makes her untreatable.
Spider-Man, Black Panther and Doctor Strange's Cloak of Levitation escape Camp Lehigh to travel to Wakanda and transmit the power of the Mind Stone to the world.
But here is where it gets grimmer, Thanos also contracted the zombie virus and has come into possession of the five other infinity stones. What our surviving heroes did was unwittingly deliver the last Stone for Thanos to gain ultimate power.
What an episode.
‘WHAT IF…?’ Episode 5 Review:
— TheCinematicVerse (@TheRealCinVerse) September 8, 2021
FANTASTIC EPISODE! This show only gets better. They really been sticking to darker theme episodes these last few weeks and I’m all for it. Peter was definitely the main character throughout the episode. The ending was INSANE! Overall rating 10/10! pic.twitter.com/DLXdMFqmnX
Easter Eggs in 'What If...?' Episode 5
With all the incredibly gruesome and bleak events that transpired in the episode, Marvel still managed to drop a few Easter Eggs for the fans.
In this episode, Peter Parker made a reference to his late Uncle Ben for the first time ever in the MCU. Perhaps the much-anticipated "Spider-Man: No Way Home" will dive deeper into Uncle Ben's character in the MCU.
Vision's fierce and questionable actions all for the sake of his one true love Wanda is very similar to Wanda's questionable hostage of a whole town to create a fake life with him in her series "WandaVision," Cnet pointed out.
The zombie virus is revealed to overload the brain's limbic system and if you don't know your brain anatomy like the rest of us, it's what controls our behavioral and emotional responses in relation to feeding and other basic survival instincts in particular.
Wanda was not able to sink her teeth into Hulk's skin because it's enhanced by his gamma rays.
In a respectful nod to the late Chadwick Boseman, T'Challa says this: "In my culture, death is not the end. They are still with us, as long as we do not forget them."
Catch the next episode of "What If...?" on September 15 on Disney Plus. A new episode of "What If...?" goes live every Wednesday.