Yun Jin and Shenhe, two new characters in "Genshin Impact", will be introduced.
The "Genshin Impact" Shenhe and "Genshin Impact" Yun Jin banners have shown up in data mines periodically over the last year, but Mihoyo has now verified on Twitter that they are real, continuing a tradition of introducing characters before they are due to get a banner.
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'Genshin Impact' Shenhe banner
According to Siliconera, Shenhe is a cryo user that fights with a polearm.
She comes from an exorcist family and is a follower of Cloud Retainer, an Adeptus who prefers to take the guise of a white crane for whatever it's worth.
Mihoyo expands on her past by revealing that Shenhe is the most resemblant to her of all the students Cloud Retainer has taken on. Shenhe also thinks she's neat, calling her a "knowledgeable and chatty" master.
The company also confirmed Shenhe's presence with Yun Jin. Players first mistook this character for Shenli, which is the Chinese translation of Ayaka's name.
Shenhe, on the other hand, means god crane, leading players to correctly surmise that Shenhe is the human form of Cloud Retainer, an Adeptus NPC who resides on Liyue's Mt. Aozang. She appears to be a user of the Cryo Polearm.
'Genshin Impact' Yun Jin banner
According to Destructoid, Yun Jin is a fan of the polearm as well, but he prefers to use the geo element. She is the director of the Yun-Han Opera Troupe and is characterized as a "famous figure in the opera scene in Liyue Harbor." The fans have first seen her in a Moonchase Festival cutscene, though she had been teased in various speech lines for quite sometime before that.
As PC Games have reported, Mihoyo has disclosed Yun Jin as a Geo Polearm user on Twitter. Yun Jin, an NPC that works at the Heyu Tea House, is mentioned in multiple voice lines for established characters.
Lumie, a data miner, first spotted her in-game model in January. Yun Jin has since been seen in a Moonchase cutscene in the background. Yun Jin will be a new character in the 2.4 patches.
Mihoyo didn't say when the two would appear in the anime game, but all signs point to next year. Itto and Gorou were teased before version 2.2, but aren't expected until this week's release 2.3. Shenhe and Yun Jin could be here for update 2.4 if they follow a similar path. Mihoyo usually updates Genshin Impact every six weeks, so January is the most likely release date.
'Genshin Impact'
"Genshin Impact" is an unrestricted RPG unlike any other we've seen before. It has polish, a strong primary plot, a beautiful and bustling open world, co-op, cross-play, and a minimal paywall, and it's an anime game. While comparing it to anime Breath of the Wild doesn't capture the whole narrative, it does give you an idea of how essential the open world is in this game.
Players will lose numerous hours as soon as you exit the tutorial, as the open-world draws players in every way, with camps of foes to clear out for chests, puzzles to solve using ambient skills, and resources to build and cook with. Owing to cross-play and co-op support, players may also explore the beautiful world of Teyvat with up to three other friends, unlike Breath of the Wild.
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