Feeling excited for the total solar eclipse 2021? On Saturday, the Moon will briefly cover the Sun, casting a dark shadow on a section of Earth. This will be an opportunity for skywatchers to watch the Sun directly!
The solar eclipse 2021 live stream will also be available for fans who are not in a position to see the event in their place.
There are many celestial events scheduled for the month of December. As mentioned in an earlier report, a comet and two meteor showers will be coming in these next few weeks. But the most exciting event should be the total solar eclipse, which happens this week.
Solar Eclipse December 2021
A solar eclipse is a unique celestial phenomenon when the Moon stands between the Sun and Earth. This happens once every 18 months, so fans who miss out on this event will have to wait until April 20, 2023 for the next one, per NASA.
However, note that the total solar eclipse will only be visible on Antarctica and its surrounding waters. Partial phases will be visible to regions like Argentina, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. This is because the Moon has a very little shadow, so it would not be enough to cover the entire face of the Sun from Earth's perspective.
Also, keep in mind that the solar eclipse will be very brief. According to Space, the totality will last a minute and 54 seconds, and the partial eclipse might last for an hour, depending on the location.
The partial eclipse begins at 2 AM EST, and its greatest point or total solar eclipse will happen at 2:33 AM EST. The whole event ends at 3:06 EST.
How to Watch Solar Eclipse Without Damaging Your Eyes
Fans living in Antarctica should get ready for an amazing show. However, they should also be careful of the event because staring at the Sun can lead to blindness. According to Space, it will only be okay to look at the Sun once it is entirely obscured by the Moon. But be warned that before or after the event can cause some strain to the eyes.
To stay on the safe side, skywatchers can use pinhole cameras to watch the Moon's progress. They can also wear solar-viewing glasses with special-purpose solar filters that block the Sun's dangerous light. These glasses are available at Amazon for $9.45.
Where to Watch Solar Eclipse 2021 Live Stream
Fans interested in watching the event can bookmark Time and Date for real-time updates. This website also includes a live blog that streams the event.
NASA will also stream the solar eclipse 2021. Their researchers plan to broadcast from Union Glacier, Antarctica, which means front row seats for the exciting event. NASA live stream will start at 1:30 AM EST, giving fans ample time to prepare. The stream will end at 3:37 AM EST, and playback should be available thereafter.
Lastly, fans can also watch the event on YouTube by checking on CosmoSapiens' video link, which is embedded below.
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