On Tuesday, "Pokemon Go" announced the debut of the cave Pokemon Druddigon.
Players are given three methods to catch Druddigon in the "Pokemon Go" Dragonspiral event, but the best option is to defeat it on a 3-star raid battle. Winning against Druddigon also gives trainers a chance to capture the Pokemon's shiny variant.
The Dragonspiral Decent event is in full blast, and it brings a lot of exciting activities for the week. For the duration of the event, there will be a surge of Fire, Electric and Ice type Pokemon apperances. But the biggest highlight is definitely Druddigon, the Pokemon residing in the Unova region's Dragonspiral Tower.
How to Catch 'Pokemon Go' Druddigon, Dragonspiral Decent Raid
As previously mentioned, there are three ways to win a Druddigon during the event. According to Newsweek, trainers can catch Druddigon by completing field research tasks, finishing special collection challenges, and fighting the Pokemon in a raid battle
For research tasks, trainers have to win at least three raid battles to earn a Druddigon encounter. Here is the list of Pokemons that trainers can encounter in Raid Battles:
- Cubchoo (1-star)
- Deino (1-star)
- Golett (1-star)
- Litwick (1-star)
- Tynamo (1-star)
- Dragonite (3-star)
- Electabuzz (3-star)
- Lapras (3-star)
- Magmar (3-star)
For the collection challenge, trainers have to catch the following Pokemons to earn 1000 XP, 3000 Stardust, and a Druddigon encounter:
- Blitzle
- Darumaka
- Dragonair
- Dratini
- Mareep
- Seel
- Sneasel
- Trapinch
- Vibrava
- Vulpix
Fortunately, all these Pokemons should have increased encounter chances for the duration of the event. For players who want to save their time from grinding all the other Pokemon, it might be best to try out the three-star raid battle instead.
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'Pokemon Go' Challenge: Raid Battle Against Druddigon
Druddigon is not the most formidable enemy introduced in "Pokemon Go." In fact, just one to two trainers can defeat him if they are adequately prepared. However, it is crucial to be aware of Druddigon's immunity and weakness.
In quick summary, Druddigon is weak against ice, dragon and fairy damage. The Pokemon is immune to fire, water, grass and electric moves, so avoid using these attacks during raid battles.
According to Polygon, the best Pokemons to use against Druddigon would be:
- Darmanitan (Ice)
- Dragonite (Dragon)
- Garchomp (Dragon)
- Haxorus (Dragon)
- Kyurem (Ice)
- Mamoswine (Ice)
- Salamence (Dragon)
- Sylveon (Fairy)
- Xerneas (Fairy)
- Zekrom (Dragon)
Spam the attack moves like Dragon Breath, Dragon Tail, Outrage, Dragon Claw, Ice Fang and Avalanche against Druddigon. This should quickly reduce its life during the battle.
Keep in mind that Dragonspiral Decent will only last until 8 PM Sunday local time. This gives trainers under a week to beat Druddigon. Be warned that players who lose their opportunity now might have to wait until Druddigon's next rotation, which could take until next year.
After beating Druddigon, trainers are recommended to try five-star raids for the Dragon-type Legendary Pokemon Reshiram and Zekrom. If trainers miss on this opportunity, then just like Druddigon, it might take another year for these Pokemon to reappear.
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