As part of UNICEF's 75th anniversary, the organization will be releasing a 1,000 NFTs for sale next year.
In the press release of UNICEF, the agency said it aims to sell data-driven non-fungible tokens (NFTs)--the UN's largest-ever NFT collection to date--before its 75th-anniversary celebrations.
Some of the UNICEF NFTs will be digitally copyrighted to honor the agency's 75th anniversary, while others will be linked to early 2022 events. Moreover, it will sell these digital items directly on the Ethereum blockchain.
For those who do not know, Investopedia stated that Ethereum is a blockchain platform that has its cryptocurrency, named Ether (ETH), and a programming language called Solidity.
Ethereum is a decentralized public ledger that is used to validate and record transactions that operate on a blockchain network. Additionally, users may build, publish, monetize and utilize applications on the platform, and they can pay using Ether, the network's money.
On the other hand, UNICEF executive director Henrietta Fore stated in the press release that the agency has become a powerful driver of change in children's lives for 75 years.
Through this, Fore added that UNICEF decided to take advanced actions to ensure the future of children.
"We have to use every tool in the toolbox if we are to reach more children and invest in a better world--including through new ways of fundraising and financing--and the launch of UNICEF's first global collection of data driven digital tokens will directly support our global efforts to close the digital divide and help give every young person access to the Internet," Fore furthered on the press release.
Furthermore, UNICEF clarified that the profits earned from this auction, as well as other UNICEF NFT fundraising events planned for late 2021 and early 2022, will support UNICEF's Global Office of Innovation's promising initiatives, such as Giga.
Giga is a UNICEF and International Telecommunication Union (ITU) program that aims to link every school in the globe to the Internet with innovative technologies such as low-earth orbit satellites, machine learning and blockchain.
Where to Buy UNICEF NFTs for sale?
For the UNICEF NFT collection, the agency collaborated with Snowcrash Labs and data visualization scientist and artist Nadieh Bremer, who developed Patchwork Kingdoms.
To give further details, Bremer effectively "paints" with data that Giga has received from schools, resulting in the Patchwork Kingdoms--which is one-of-a-kind and visually spectacular collection of 1,000 NFTs.
In addition, each Patchwork Kingdom shows two world distinctions: above and below. The world "above" represents connected schools, while the world "below" represents disconnected schools.
"The squares in the hidden pale "reflection" city represent a lack of connectivity contrasted with the "vibrant" connectivity in schools in the upright city. Data is the "paint" Bremer uses to show how many children are still in need of life-changing connectivity," Patchwork Kingdom's definition furthered.
For those curious to know how they can get the UNICEF NFTs for sale, an Ethereum wallet is required to purchase it. Once the interested NFT buyer has the wallet, they can link it to the "Mint" button on the Patchwork Kingdom's website then mint a token.
However, as of writing, the said button is not yet available since the UNICEF NFTs can only be purchased in January 2022.
Despite this, it is worth noting that a pre-sale will be available. However, interested buyers must first enroll themselves in a whitelist in order to be eligible for the presale.
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