"Psychonauts 2" scavenger hunt is starting, and it features a lot of exciting rewards in-game. This article will discuss all the 16 locations for the hidden items.
'Psychonauts 2' Side Missions: The Scavenger Hunt
Be warned that the scavenger hunt will require gameplay skills and character special abilities. Players will be challenged to find workarounds or unique strategies to find the hidden items.
Players are advised to follow the guide in proper order, starting with "1" and ending with "16." This is because certain skills will be necessary for the scavenger hunt.
'Psychonauts 2' The Scavenger Hunt: All Locations
DigitalTrends listed out all the 16 locations for the "Psychonauts 2" scavenger hunt.
1. Day Old Sushi
First up on the list is Day Old Sushi, and it is hidden in a not-so-obvious location in the cafeteria. Players can find it glowing blue on one of the buffet lines.
2. Psitanium Knife
Next up is Psitanium Knife, and this item is located in a cave entrance in Lilli's garden. It is skillfully hidden on top of some rock formations on the left side that should be accessible after a few parkour jumps.
3. Unexploded Bomb
The Unexploded Bomb has a little twist to it because it is hidden in a place that is very easy to miss. Somewhere inside the quarry is an unlit campfire, which you can find near the entrance of the mine. Players will need the pyrokinesis and levitation skills to access the item. First, light the campfire up to provide an updraft, then ride it and jump on the plank suspended in the air. At the edge of that plank is an unexploded bomb.
4. Human Skull
The Human Skull is a pretty straightforward item to find. Players should see it in the funicular. Players can parkour their way up through the waterfall to reach the funicular, or they can make the vehicle operational by using telekinesis to grab and insert its gears into the machine.
5. Switchblade Hatchet
Switchblade Hatchet can be found on the roof of a house with a big waterwheel in the campsite. Players can either parkour their way up through the other side of the house or use the Time Bubble ability to slow down the water wheel and climb it.
6. Can of Corn
The Can of Corn is found in the Sassyclops cave, which is easily identifiable by the big yeti plastered to the entrance. Note that on the right side of the cave is an unlit campfire. Use pyrokinesis to light it up and ride the updraft to enter the cave.
7. Agent Orientation Laserdisc
Agent Orientation Laserdisc is located in the lab across the quarry. It is found behind Otto across the electrified floor. Players can easily access it with a levitation ball.
8. Psychonauts Name Plaque
Psychonauts Name Plaque is hiding in plain sight on the agents area of the Motherlobe. Players should look for the "storage" room and open the "Senior Agent Oleander."
9. Deck of Cards
Deck of Cards is quite literally for bowling enthusiasts. Head over to the bowling alley and play some balls with telekinesis. Players do not need to score well. After a few rounds instead of a ball, players can find the Deck of Cards.
10. Astronaut Ice Cream
Astronaut Ice Cream can be found in the Nerve center in the Motherlobe, where a computer will show a green screen. Interact with it and follow the next set of computers. Keep an eye on the wall for the hidden item.
11. Mini Murder Bug Bot
Mini Murder Bug Bot can be found on the side of the dome-shaped building's roof. It is the same building that Ford and the Psychonauts used to be posted. Climb along the stairs inside and there should be spikey brambles that lead to the outside of the roof. Use pyrokinesis to burn it and locate the prize.
12. Viking Helmet
Viking helmet is found in the Green Needle Gulch. Players have to find a broken-down van along the path that leads to Cassie Opia's house. The hidden item is behind the old rusted vehicle
13. Beehive Shaped Like My Phone
Beehive Shaped Like My Phone is hidden behind Cassie Opia's house and should easily be accessible with a levitation ball.
14. Enemy Surveillance Device
Enemy Surveillance Device is hidden inside the Motherlobe. Note that to gain this hidden item, players need to equip the Astral Projection Ability. Head inside the artifact storage closet and use Astral projection to unlock the door and find the hidden item on top of the lockers.
15. Novelty Mug
Novelty Mug is found in the Lumberstack Diner, but similar to Enemy Surveillance Device, players need to have the Astral Projection skill. Inside the diner, enter a door beside Sam to find the hidden item inside.
16. Signed Copy of Mindswarm
The Signed Copy of Mindswarm can only be attained near the end of the game, once players have finished the storyline. Head back to Cassie and she will sign a copy of this book.
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