A Turkish farmer is using VR headsets for cows to reduce their stress, making the animals believe that they are outside the field.
Surprisingly, the cows wearing VR goggles appear to produce more milk than other cows!
VR Headset for Cows: Reduces Their Stress?
Upon reading a study that claimed that VR goggles made cows happier, Izzet Kocak, from Turkey, decided to try it on his cows. By doing this, Kocak stated that the result showed that his animals are producing more milk than before, per Metro.
He explained that they get an average of 22 liters of milk per day from the cows in their business. The milking average of the two cows that have VR goggles were up to 27 liters.
"They are watching a green pasture and it gives them an emotional boost. They are less stressed," Kocak explained through Metro.
The farmer previously attempted to calm his cows by playing classical music. However, he claimed that the VR headset for cows has impressed him so much that he wants to purchase 10 more.
To further explain, Metro added that the headsets were created in collaboration with veterinarians, and these were tested on a RusMoloko dairy farm.
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How Does VR Headset for Cows Works?
For those wondering how it works, IT professionals had to adjust the VR goggles color palette to match the animal's particular eyesight for the images to operate. The reason behind this is that cows cannot see red or green and they can only recognize yellow and blue in dull colors.
In addition to this, in consultation with veterinarians and production experts, the virtual reality studio's engineers customized human VR glasses to cater to the cow's unique head anatomy.
On the other hand, the Russian Ministry of Agriculture is sure that the strategy is effective.
According to their statement released in 2019, that "environmental conditions have a significant impact on the health of cows and, as a result, the quality and quantity of milk produced."
Based on interviews with farmers that use various animal welfare programs, a correlation was established between positive cow experiences, particularly emotional ones, and increased milk output.
Furthermore, the researchers also claimed that the headsets reduced anxiety and increased general emotional state in the herd.
VR Goggles: 'The Matrix For Cows'
Over a previous couple of years, images of the experiment have gotten a lot of laughs on social media, with many people calling it "The Matrix for cows."
ScreenRant also added that since cows have poor depth perception, a VR headset might help them improve their vision while also giving them the impression of beautiful weather, reducing their stress.
The procedure looks to have been a success, as specialists saw a significant decrease in anxiety and an increase in the cows' emotional state following testing.
"Examples of dairy farms from different countries show that in a calm atmosphere, the quantity, and sometimes the quality, of milk increases markedly," the researchers explained, per the Russian Ministry of Agriculture.