Good news for "War Thunder" players!
A new patch note was released which fixes several bugs.
In addition to this, "Valorant" and "Fortnite" released patch notes this month too.
'War Thunder' Update 4.10 Fixes Bugs
According to MP1st, Gaijin Entertainment, the "War Thunder" developer, has published patch notes version 4.10 today, Feb. 3.
The said update is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
Mp1st also ephasized that the update number 4.10 is dedicated for PS4 owners, and 1.000.075 for PS5 owners.
The majority of today's update focuses on balancing the game's vehicle gameplay.
Aside from this, a number of other issues have also been fixed for this update. In addition to this, "War Thunder" shared the full details of the said update on its website.
For the ground vehicles, the crosshair indicator for the ballistic calculator has been deactivated for ATGM weapons.
When shooting at aerial targets with ground vehicles using a laser rangefinder, the "War Thunder" update solved the issue that caused the marker for the ballistic calculator (crosshair) to be displayed inaccurately.
Additionally, the commander's sight magnification on the M1A2 Abrams has been set to x2-8 x3-10.
Moreover, the commander's sight now includes the Ikv 91 and Ikv 91-105 gun control options.
The number of forward and reverse gears has been increased, and the gear ratio values have been stated in Ikv 91, ikv 91-105.
In xray mode, Merkava Mk.2D has disabled the display of the composite screen.
While for the aircraft, the glitch where the 20mm Mk 11 mod 5 gunpod that was not represented on the model has been fixed.
The glitch in the weapon setting "9M114 Shturm x8 +S8KO x40" that displayed the S-24 rocket has been fixed as well.
Amusingly, a separate bomb drop has been added.
Apart from these, a "star" tag is now assigned to vehicles that have been purchased, or are available for purchase, and are capable of completing tasks on weekends or special events.
The task can be accessed through the vehicle menu's "Task" tab or from the hangar's "star" tag.
The RMB+LMB click on a vehicle group caused the interface to be disabled has now been resolved, while the camera rotation speed is no longer influenced by the replay speed.
Shot noises in aerial and ground Arcade battles were also addressed for this "War Thunder" update.
2 Other Games That Releases Patch This Month
2. 'Fortnite'
On February 1, Epic Games published "Fortnite" update 3.45, and it is one of the massive v19.20 patch.
To start with, the patch note fixed the visual indicator for utilizing a Reboot Van, meaning this will no longer appear at a distance greater than the sound could be heard.
It also fixed an issue where matches were occasionally not recorded during a tournament session, resulting in the loss of points gained in those matchups.
Additionally, it also addressed an issue where Spider-Web-Shooters Man's would drop from eliminated players with a full stock of uses, even if they didn't have one before they were eliminated.
1. 'Valorant'
Twinfinite reported that a bug was fixed during the second inspect animation on the Bulldog which caused the pulsing FX around the Spectrum Z logo to appear adjacent to the trigger.
Additionally, the patch note also fixed Killjoy's Alarmbot and Turret.
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