iOS 15.4, Apple's latest update to the iOS 15, has some pretty cool new features and some of which have been widely talked about. These much talked about features include Universal Control as well as being able to use the Face ID while wearing a face mask.
It is not a surprise, however, if you missed some of the smaller yet still cool updates and features that the iOS 15.4 brings. For example, did you know that the camera now lets you copy text from objects?
iOS 15.4 Basic Information

The iOS 15.4 was released on March 14. The update is more than a gigabyte in size.
According to an article by CNET, what users have to do in order to download the latest iOS 15 update from Apple is to open your device's Settings. After that, head to General and then followed by Software Update. Tap Download and Install to begin the process.
Major iOS 15.4 Features
One of the major new features of the iOS 15.4 is known as Universal Control. According to CNET, it "lets you use other Apple devices as second screens, moving content seamlessly between them using only one device."
The iOS 15.4 also includes an update to the Face ID that makes it more face mask-friendly. The feature even works on people who wear sunglasses. However, it should be noted that the same does not apply to those wearing sunglasses.
Related Article : Apple iOS 15.4 Beta FaceID: How to Unlock Your iPhone With a Facemask
Aside from that, Apple users have probably noticed and even used the latest additions to the available list of emoji. There are a total of 37 new emoji, including the following:
- Face Holding Back Tears
- Face with Peeking Eye
- Melting Face
- Person Wearing a Crown (gender-neutral)
- Pregnant Person (gender-neutral)
- Heart Hands
- Palm Up Hand
- Palm Down Hand
- 25 new skine tone Handshake combinations
- Nest with Eggs
- Troll
- Identification Card
- Low Battery
- Coral
You can find the complete list of emjoi that comes with the iOS 15.4 over at Emojipedia.
iOS 15.4 Features You Might Not Know About
If you think that these are the only new features and updates that comes with the iOS 15.4, you are missing out.
According to the report by CNET, iOS 15.4 brings some much needed security updates for the Apple AirTags, which have been used in some incidents to stalk people.
Updates have also been made to the emergency call shortcut. Per the report, "call with five presses" has been turned into an option from previously being a default setting. This means that the feature needs to be allowed by the user first before it is enabled.
Another handy feature that the iOS 15.4 brings that it allows a user to use the camera in order to copy text from an object.