We think it is safe to say that everyone out there is afraid of something. There are people afraid of insects. There are people who are afraid of death. There are people who are afraid of taxes. Believe it or not, there are people afraid of technology too.
You are probably more aware of the more common phobias such as claustrophobia, or fear of enclosed spaces, or acrophobia, also known as the fear of heights. But do you know what do you call the phobias that are related to technology?
Here are some examples of those phobias:
Amaxophobia, the Fear of Driving
Many may have fallen in love with the thrill and joy of driving, but there are those who fear it too. People who are afraid of driving are actually said to have amaxophobia. This fear is not just limited to driving cars, but driving vehicles and even piloting a plane as well.
Also known as hamaxophobia, this fear "makes you feel anxious or fearful when you drive or ride in a vehicle, such as a car, bus or plane," according to Cleveland Clinic. People with this phobia may also feel anxious as passenger inside a moving vehicle.
Cyberphobia, the Fear of Computers
Computers may already be considered an essential in this day and age, but believe it or not, there are people who are afraid of them. These people are said to have cyberphobia or the fear of computers.
According to Cleveland Clinic, people with cyberphobia have an "extreme fear" of computers and will not want to use them or be around them, causing them to avoid going to place where there may be computers. They may also be afraid of smartphones and the internet as well.
Nomophobia, the Fear of Being Without Your Phone
We will not be surprised if the term "nomophobia" is unfamiliar to you. The term is actually the shortened term for the phrase "no mobile phone phobia" or simply the fear of not having your phone with you.
According to an article by Healthline, nomophobia is a fear that is so persistent as well as severe that it actually affects your daily life. "Some experts have even suggested nomophobia represents a type of phone dependence or addiction," the article adds.
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Technophobia, the Fear of Technology
You can already guess what people with technophobia are afraid of just by the name itself. It may be hard to believe but yes, there are people who are afraid of technology itself.
An article by Verywell Mind further expounds on the definition of technophobia and defines it as "the fear or dislike of advanced technology or complex devices, especially computers."
The article points out that this type of fear is actually pretty common as everyone at some point has felt some discomfort about using technology that is unfamiliar and totally brand new. It should, however, be noted that technophobia is not part of distinct disorders recognized by the iagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), per Verywell Well Mind.
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