Have you ever tried solving a Rubik's Cube? Many have struggled to get one color on each side of the cube, but others have made a total race out of it by solving it in record time or by seeing who can accomplish it first among their friends and family
Whether or not you see it is a frustrating puzzle or a fun race against time, the Rubik's Cube is undoubtedly one of those toys that everyone has to try at least once.
Here is what you have to know about the Rubik's Cube:
The Rubik's Cube was Once Known as Magic Cube

The Rubik's Cube can trace its history back to 1974. According to the Smithsonian Magazine, a "Hungarian architect named Ernő Rubik became obsessed with finding a way to model three-dimensional movement to his students."
He created a block of cube made using paper, wood, rubber bands, paper clips, and glue. He eventually called this "Bűvös kocka," which can be translated to Magic Cube. As you may have probably already guessed, the cube's current name was taken from its creator.
Rubik, per the Smithsonian Magazine, has found the fame of his creation more entertaining than the cube itself. He even wrote a book all about it called "Cubed: The Puzzle of Us All."
If you have ever wondered how many possible combinations a Rubik's Cube has, this is the answer according to the Guinness World Records: 43,252,003,274,489,856,856,000.
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The Rubik's Cube and the Guinness World Records
Speaking of the Guinness World Records, we all know it is responsible for taking note of all the record-breaking things that happen all around the world. Unsurprisingly, the Rubik's Cube is not exempt from this.
The largest Rubik's Cube ever created measures at 2.503 m x 2.505 m x 2.502 m. This became possible in 2021 thansk to the NINA MALL in Hong Kong. On the other hand, the smallest Rubik's Cube ever was created in 2010 by Tony Fisher, who is from the United Kingdom. The cube measures 5.6 mm wide.
Holding the record for the fastest time to solve a Rubik's Cube is China's Yunhao Lou, who achieved the record in May 2021 by solving it in 2.87 seconds. Tang Aiping, also from China, holds the record for the fastest time to solve a Rubik's Cube while blindfolded.
The Rubik's Cube Has Caused Two Medical Conditions
All that twisting and turning is bound to have some effect on a person's hands and wrists. In fact, The Strong National Museum of Play says in its article that the puzzle game has caused two medical conditions known as Cube's Thumb and Rubik's Wrist.
According to UPI.com, Cuber's Thumb is "characterized by tender swelling of the joint between the fingers and the wrist."