Telegram founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, denounced Apple for intentionally limiting web app features in iOS, which is "affecting the web apps of the privacy-focused messaging app," according to Tech Times.
In this public channel, Durov once again criticized the tech giant, which is behind products like iPhone and iPad. According to Durov, by intentionally restricting web app features, Apple limits what web developers can do in iOS. This has an impact on the web version of Telegram.

Telegram's Features are Limited on iOS
Despite the fact that Telegram is available in the App Store, the messaging service has issues with Apple's review process in the past. This is because of the Telegram's public channel, which according to 9to5Mac, have no content restrictions.
Telegram also offers a full web version in order to bypass some of these restrictions. The web version has virtually similar features available in the mobile version, "except that it is also limited on iOS," said 9to5Mac.
Telegram is also available for smartphone users through the web version of the app.
According to the Telegram's CEO, multiple developers are complaining because due to its limitations, "Safari is killing the web."
In April, the Telegram Web developers published an article with a list of 10 issues concerning the iOS version of Safari. The article, according to Durov, talks about the features lacking in the iOS such as push notifications, VP8 and VP9 codecs, high refresh rates, and visual artifacts.
Durov said that Apple is "crippling" web apps is "to force users to download apps from the App Store," according to 9to5Mac. He added that this is in order for the company to collect commission from the developers.
"We suspect that Apple may be intentionally crippling its web apps to force its users to download more native apps where Apple is able to charge its 30% commission," Durov stated.
WebKit Restrictions Being Done by Apple is Under Investigation
Apple's WebKit is used by every app that needs a web implementation. And unlike macOS, developers are not allowed by iOS to choose a different web engine for their apps. It is not surprising that compared to native apps, Apple does indeed limit what web apps can do.
According to 9to5Mac, last week, "the UK government concluded after a year-long study that Apple limits the potential for rival browsers to differentiate themselves from Safari."
According to the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), the capabilities of web apps on iPhone and iPad devices are "inhibited" by these restrictions.
The decision is yet to be made, but another antitrust investigation against Apple is being considered by the UK government. According to 9to5Mac, these limitations will be solved by iOS 16, as it will include web push notifications.
More recently, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov confirmed that a paid "Premium" subscription will be available in Telegram. This will unlock more features for Telegram users.
The price is not yet known as of writing but the subscription will be available on iOS. This would mean a commission will have to be paid by the Telegram to the App Store.
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