Hello and welcome to yet another This Week on iTP rundown, where we list the top stories from the past week. Before we get started, we just want to which all the daddies, dads, papas, fathers, and pops out there a Happy Father's Day! We hope you are having a great one.
Now let us move on to this past week's top five stories. Space stories have always been popular here on iTech Post and it has never been more evident until now. Why? Three of the five top stories in this list are all related to the outer space.
5. Hello XD Ransomware Increases Activity, Has a New Encryptor That will Help Avoid Detection
Coming in at number five is the first of two stories to make it to the list that are not related to the outer space. However, it still falls under another category that is rather popular here on iTech Post and it is none other than malware.
Specifically, this story talks about the increase in activity of the Hello XD ransomware. What makes this increase in activity even worse is that the creator of this malware even developed an encryptor that helps it avoid being detected.
4. Wandering Black Hole May be the Smallest One Discovered — How Did the Scientists Spot It?
The first of the four space stories to make it to this rundown talks about a wandering black hole that scientists have discovered. Yes, wandering.
What makes this discovery even more special is that scientists think that this wandering black hole may be the smallest one ever discovered thus far. If you are wondering which of the observatories has helped with this discovery, it is none other than the Hubble Space Telescope.
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3. NASA's TESS Helps Scientists Discover a Multiplanet System 33 Light-Years Away
The Transiting Exoplanet Satellite Survey, otherwise known as TESS, may not be as popular as the Hubble, but it has helped scientists learn more about other worlds out there in space.
Recently, TESS has helped researcher discover a multiplanet system that is located only 33 light-years away from our own planet. For reference, one light-year is equal to around six trillion miles.
2. Android Users Beware: These Google Play Store Apps Spread Malware
We did say our readers love reading about malware and this story is another proof of it.
Coming in at number two is a story warning Android users about particular Google Play Store apps that have unfortunately been spreading malware. Among the apps listed in this article are Magnifier Flashlight, PIP Pic Camera 2022, and Wild & Exotic Animal Wallpaper.
Some of these apps have trojan malware in them, while one, Magnifier Flashlight, is actually an adware app.
1. NASA Shares Perseverance Rover Photo of the Martian Landscape
Occupying the top spot for the week's top five stories is a story that is all abou a photo taken by none other than the Perseverance rover.
In particular, this photo features a particular landscape that the rover has seen on Mars that features a lot of rocks, sand, and even a layered cliff. The photo was taken using the Perseverance's mast-mounted camera.