People with dyslexia can greatly improve their quality of life with a multitude of apps and software programs.
While Orcam and Educational App Store have several apps listed, we have hand-picked our top dyslexia-friendly apps that we highly recommend owing to their practical and helpful functionalities.
Check them out below!
Dyslexia Font Pal & Keyboard
In addition to being a dyslexic keyboard, you may record voice notes as opposed to writing them. It will be much simpler to read your texts and other material on your device thanks to the special dyslexic font. Corrections to spelling and grammar will also help you write more accurately.
Get Dyslexia Font Pal & Keyboard on iOS
Dyslexia Reading Test
Do you suspect dyslexia is the cause of your child's reading challenges? This app, which is prepared by professional dyslexia tutors, is a great way to test your child if s/he has dyslexia. And the best thing is that you can get the results in ten to fifteen minutes.
Get Dyslexia Reading Test on Android
Easy Dyslexia Aid
All classes that have students with dyslexia or dysgraphia may use this simple and user-friendly tool. With the use of the "OpenDyslexic" font and color overlays, Easy Dyslexia Aid helps students in spelling and literacy.
Get Easy Dyslexia Aid on iOS
Ogstar Reading Explore
While gamified elements are used into OgStar classes, they progress in a very logical and structured manner to inspire your children. For dyslexics or struggling children from the ages of 4 to 13, the Orton-Gillingham method provides a full, systematic literacy curriculum that can be used at home or in school. Reading and writing all sounds individually, in words, and in sentences are all skills that children practice. Children can learn reading fluency, phonological awareness, and fundamental handwriting abilities with the help of this app.
Get Ogstar Reading Explore on iOS
Omoguru Reader
Omoguru helps dyslexic students (and adults) read text more easily and decode words with ease. It is a reading aid for dyslexics that boosts reading abilities in a fun way. The way that text is written and generated can have an impact on a dyslexic person's ability to read and comprehend language. All readers, but especially those with dyslexia, benefit from Omoguru's improved readability and enhanced visual impact.
Get Omoguru Reader on Android and iOS
Percival's Help For Dyslexia
This tool teaches vocabulary to dyslexic children using mnemonics, animations, and chants. It teaches how to write the words correctly and makes it much easier to remember difficult-to-write words. Your child will benefit from playing this spelling game.
Get Percival's Help For Dyslexia on Android
Special Words
Through the use of images and sounds, Special Words teaches kids to recognize written words. The interface is simple to use and has been divided into graded levels, making it a highly effective tool. Play with your child at a pace appropriate to their skill level.
Get Special Words on Android and iOS
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