Amazon unveiled a plan to use drones to deliver packages to consumers in Lockeford, California, last month. After that, hundreds of people expressed interest in having their Amazon orders delivered by drone; the company is now collaborating with each of them to make this a reality.
Amazon announced Friday that it is reaching out to residents in College Station, Texas, so they too will be able to get drone deliveries later this year.
What Is Amazon Prime Air Delivery
Amazon's blog last month said the company has "created a sophisticated and industry-leading sense-and-avoid system that will enable operations without visual observers and allow our drone to operate at greater distances while safely and reliably avoiding other aircraft, people, pets, and obstacles."
In Amazon's perspective, what distinguishes them from competitors who are also striving to enter the drone delivery business is their drones' capacity to detect and avoid aircraft and other impediments.
The e-commerce giant claimed that their drones could carry packages weighing up to five pounds in less than one hour, as per CNBC report. According to Amazon, Prime Air drones have a top speed of 50 mph and a top height of 400 feet.
Amazon also said their drones fly to a predetermined delivery area, land in the customers' backyards, and then hover at a safe altitude. According to Amazon, the device releases the package, regains altitude, and then descends to the base.
As previously reported, the sense-and-avoid system on Amazon Prime Air was designed with two main use cases in mind: first, to assure safety while in transit, and second, to ensure safety when the aircraft approaches the ground. The drones must be able to distinguish between stationary and moving impediments when flying to the delivery destination.
The algorithms used by Prime Air to detect objects utilize a wide range of different technologies. Even in situations where it is challenging for people to perceive moving objects on the horizon, such as other aircraft, it can do so with the aid of this mechanism.
The drones can also autonomously adjust their route if they spot any possible risks, and they are equipped to do so as well. The company also disclosed that since beginning its Amazon Prime Air projects, their team has created, tested, and analyzed a significant number of drones-over twenty prototypes at this point-through development, construction, and evaluation.
The Verge noted that prior to announcing plans to start customer delivery testing, reports centered on the challenges Amazon was encountering, such as complaints the program was being hurried along and several drone crashes.
Amazon Prime Air Delivery Will be Deployed to California and Texas
Amazon announced that Texas A&M University, which is located in College Station, will assist with the drone deployment. CNBC said thousands of daily items will be available for free drone delivery to customers in Lockeford and College Station.