There is a huge bounty circulating around that might be right up your alley if you're a huge Halo fan in need of some extra money. You will receive $20,000 if you can complete Halo 2 Anniversary's Legendary All Skulls On (LASO) playing with no deaths. Sounds lovely, doesn't it?
Admittedly, explaining it is simple, but making it happen is quite challenging.
This Was Never Accomplished by Anyone
Charlie "Cr1tikal" White, a well-known figure on YouTube and Twitch, said last week that he is paying $20,000 to anyone who can successfully complete a LASO playthrough of Halo 2 Anniversary without dying, according to For The Win.
Several weeks ago, Cr1tikal first proposed this bounty, which was initially only for $5,000. Since then, though, he has increased it to $20,000, most likely because doing so is blatantly masochistic.
Cr1tikal has set a very difficult task, one that has never been met, at least not on record, The Gamer noted.
What Does LASO Actually Mean, and How Hard Was It?
The hardest setting in the Halo campaign is legendary. LASO is the term used to describe completing this Legendary campaign with all of the gameplay-modifying Skulls activated.
Aside from the seemingly insurmountable challenge of a one-life LASO run, Halo 2 is regarded as having the most challenging Legendary campaign in the whole franchise, IGN reported.
A run like this, according to Cr1tikal, has only ever been finished once, but Master Chief was able to become invisible since the Envy skull was activated. Cr1tikal is asking players to switch off that one particular skull in order to increase the difficulty of the challenge.
For the uninitiated, Skulls are collectibles that can be found in every Halo game and function as modifiers to enhance the difficulty. Other skull effects, such as raising enemy aggression, making adversaries permanently cloaked, or disabling your shield's usual recharge, significantly alter gameplay.
IGN noted that there's a possibility that nobody will ever finish Cr1tikal's challenge.
Cr1tikal's Challenge
Here is a clip of Cr1tikal's video where the challenge is revealed.
If you're interested, the submission page is already open here. Best of luck!
Possible Changes in Halo 2
Due to 343 Industries' plans to include microtransactions in the Halo: Master Chief Collection, players may soon be able to pay their way through the grind.
343 revealed in a recent blog post that the company is "internally exploring a potential new feature for the future in the form of purchasable Spartan Points."
The Gamer noted that these Spartan Points will be made available to players who are new to the MCC, who may not have spent a lot of time explicitly working on unlocking goods throughout the seasonal releases, or who are merely completionists hoping to find the final item they are still missing.
This feature, according to the studio, is only optional.