Apple is one of the easily recognized brands because of its logo. The apple-shaped logo with a bite missing is an iconic logo plastered on every product of Apple, from Mac computers to iPhones.
There are plenty of theories about the story behind the Apple logo. One of the theories says that it has a bite because "bite" sounds like "byte," which is related to computer language. Another one related the Apple logo with Alan Turing, the father of modern computing.
But in reality, there is a much simpler reason behind the bite in the Apple logo. In this article, we present to you 10 facts about the Apple logo and its interesting story.

1. The First Apple Logo was Designed by Ronald Wayne
According to Mashable, the first Apple logo was designed by Ronald Wayne, who was considered the third Apple founder. In his design, you will see Isaac Newton sitting under a tree.
2. The First Apple Logo Featured Isaac Newton
Contrary to what most people believe that the well-known rainbow Apple logo is the first logo of the tech company, the actual very first Apple logo is the one that featured Isaac Newton sitting under a tree, as per Mashable.
3. Rob Janoff Designed the Rainbow-Colored Apple Logo
Eventually, Steve Jobs asked artist Rob Janoff to create a new logo design for Apple. According to Creative Bloq, Janoff made the rainbow-colored Apple logo.
4. The Logo Has a Bite Missing to Distinguish it From a Cherry
According to Janoff, there is a very simple reason why the Apple logo has a bite missing. The purpose of the bite missing is for scale. Janoff said that without the bite, the small Apple logo might look like a cherry instead of an apple, as per a CNN report.
5. The "Bite" and "Byte" Theory of the Apple Logo is Purely Coincidental
According to Slashgear, Janoff denied that the bite on the logo has something to do with the computer term "byte." According to him, when the logo was created, he hadn't heard of the term byte yet.
6. Steve Jobs Picked up the Outlandish Rainbow-Colored Apple Logo
According to Janoff, when he presented the logo to Jobs, he wasn't sure Apple's former CEO would like the logo at all, as per Slashgear. However, Jobs liked "things that were outside the box," and considered the logo the same way.
7. The Apple Silhouette Logo Was the Only Design on the Table
In one of his interviews, Janoff was asked if he had copies of other Apple logo ideas. But according to him, if there were any, it would probably be similar to the one Apple has now. Janoff said that when during the time that he was working on the logo, "he didn't prepare any alternative designs," as per a separate article of Creative Bloq.
8. The Logo Succeeds Because It's Simple
According to Creative Bloq, Janoff said that: "The key, I think, to effective, memorable designs, is keeping it very simple so somebody can remember you."
9. It Cost 50 Grand to Digitize the Rainbow-Colored Apple Logo
The rainbow-colored Apple logo was initially made using analog tools. However, eventually, Jobs had the logo digitized. According to Janoff, the company spent 50 grand for the digitization of the logo, as per Creative Bloq.
10. The Apple Logo Changed its Color to Stay Ahead
The Apple logo used to be colorful because it was created at a time "when no computer was doing things in color." Now, in order to be different and sophisticated, the company decided to keep it very minimal with its white color, as per Creative Bloq.
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