Perhaps one of the most popular game series of all time is based on the Pokemon franchise. In 2021, the Pokemon franchise turned 25 years old and many gamers celebrated the great titles that have come from the franchise through the years; one of them being the spin-off titled Pokemon Colosseum.
It is a role-playing video game developed by Genius Sonority, as per GameRant, and published by The Pokémon Company. It was distributed by Nintendo as part of the Pokémon series. On November 21, 2003, It was released for the Nintendo GameCube in Japan. Meanwhile, it was released on March 22, 2004 in North America, and May 14, 2004 in Europe.

Pokemon Colosseum Storyline
Pokemon Colosseum is different from previous titles where there are just random encounters with Pokémon. In the game, the players can steal or snag the Pokemon of other Pokemon Trainers.
The game is set in the Orre region, a desert region where no wild Pokémon can be found. Many cities, towns, and Colosseums can be located in the region of Orre.
The player protagonist of Pokemon Colosseum is Wes, a former member of Team Snagem.
Throughout the game, your goal as a player is to rescue "Shadow Pokémon." These Shadow Pokemon are infected with a curse by Team Cipher, an antagonistic organization.
Your aim as you play Pokemon Colosseum is to travel around the region Orre to save stolen Pokémon. The Pokemon are not only stolen but also infected and turned into Shadow Pokemon, as per the Pokemon website. You also need to purify the Pokemon of the curse that infected them.
You will find the NPC Rui, who acts as Wes's sidekick. He is the one who identifies Shadow Pokémon.
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Pokemon Colosseum Gameplay
In the game, Wes travels through various towns and other locations to battle enemy Trainers and to complete quests. He purchased items at "Pokémon Mart" using the game's currency, "Pokémon Dollars."
The game usually follows a "double battle" format wherein the players have two Pokemon on each side at one time. The Trainer can bring up to six Pokémon at one time. Therefore, once a Pokemon is defeated, the Trainer can switch the Pokemon.
The game, as previously mentioned, does not feature random encounters. Instead, the player begins with two Pokémon, with more Pokemon obtained throughout the game by "Snagging" them from other Trainers.
You will find the Shadow Pokémon to have a purple gauge that you have to drain by battling. Once you are done draining the gauge, you may purify the infected Pokemon.
To purify the Pokemon, you may bring them to Celebi's shrine in Agate Village, or you may use a rare "Time Flute" item.
In the game, Poke Marts, Pokemon Centers, and even Pokemon Day Cares are available to the players. You will also face familiar battles, particularly double battles.
There are many stadiums in which encounters with other Trainers can take place. The game will allow you to use the Pokemon you obtained from the story mode, in addition to your Pokemon from Ruby Version and Sapphire Version games.
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