Texting is probably one of the easiest ways to communicate, not to mention one of the most common. We text our friends, colleagues, and family members. It's a convenient way of communicating.
However, don't you sometimes get annoyed at certain text messages you received? Isn't it annoying to receive a message with too many emojis? How do you feel about a text message with an exclamation point?
In this article, we have listed some of the most annoying texting habits that you should stop right away.

1. The Double Message
There are times when you're in the middle of doing something and you can't reply immediately. You can hear your phone making the sound that signals there are new messages. It's annoying to see the same person sending you a text message telling you that they leave you a message, let's say, in messenger.
The point is you already received the message in messenger. It's annoying to be reminded via text message. If you don't immediately reply, it could either mean you're busy or you're not in the mood to talk.
2. Using Too Many Emojis
Emojis are fine. They are actually cute and they lighten up the conversation. However, going overboard in using emojis can be pretty annoying. Imagine having more emojis in the text message than the actual text, how are you supposed to interpret the message?
Moreover, according to Reader's Digest, using a thumbs-up can come across as passive-aggressive. It can be misinterpreted. So, it is best to stick to smileys and hearts.
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3. The Bulk Texter
How does it feel to be bombarded with text messages that do not make sense? Isn't it annoying? There are people who seem to find it funny to repeatedly send a message without any sense, as per Cosmopolitan. These people would chop their messages in phrases and send them to you like a cryptic code.
It is still best to organize your message. Make it straightforward. Ask for the information that you need to ask. Or tell them the message that you want to tell in complete sentences. And send it one go. Avoid being a bulky texter.
4. Waiting for Days to Return a Text
There are instances when you receive a text message and you open it. Unfortunately, you are in the middle of doing something or attending a meeting and you cannot reply immediately. The more unfortunate incident is if you forget to reply. How would you feel if you were the texter who never receive a reply? Or it took days for you to receive a reply?
To avoid this, do not open a message if you are busy so that you won't forget to reply to the message. Or if you don't have the answer right away, tell the person that you will get back to him or her.
5. Not Doing Spell Check
According to Reader's Digest, some of the biggest turn-offs in dating are typos and incorrect grammar. It can be annoying to receive a text message with a lot of typographical errors and incorrect grammar. If you want to secure a second date, check your text before sending them.
It is also not ideal to send really short messages such as "k," "yeah," and "cool." People would appreciate a little more effort from you.
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