Whether you're sick of overpaying for electricity usage or want to cut your consumption for environmental reasons, there's never a wrong time to rethink your dependence on the electrical grid.
Over the past few years, superstorms have shown us that the electrical grid isn't all too reliable. And it can be highly pricey for certain parts of the country, especially those that endure harsh winters. You can do many things right now to lessen your dependence on the grid while still keeping your tech powered. Here are four of the best solutions:
1. Install an Off Grid Solar System
Lots of things you can do to lessen your dependence on the grid last for only a day, week, or at most a month. You have to keep doing them to see an impact. But that isn't the case with installing an off-grid solar system.
The best off-grid solar system allows you to regain control of your energy usage. You can lower your carbon emissions and gain significant savings on your energy bills within the first month after installation. Setup is a bit of a process, but once you've installed the system, you never have to think about it again.
2. Practice Air Drying
The majority of energy produced in the U.S. comes from natural gas and coal. These two fossil fuels are heavy polluters, so whenever you're using electricity, at least half of it contributes to climate change.
One of the primary sources of energy consumption in the average household is washing and drying clothes. Sure, you can wash your clothes by hand the old-fashioned way, but let's be honest, if you're going to go completely energy independent, starting by getting rid of the dryer is much easier.
Air-drying clothes is great for warmer climates like the South and Southwest, and you'll save on energy costs.
3. Renovate to Maximize Passive Heating
Passive heating refers to using the sun's power to heat your home rather than your HVAC system. If your home doesn't have many sun-facing windows, it may be worth the time and money it takes to renovate your home to get some.
Passive heating warms your home in a more natural and cost-effective way.
4. Understand Your Consumption Profile
Electricity consumption has increased a staggering 300% in the United States since 1960. One of the major reasons people consume so much electricity is that they don't understand their consumption profiles.
A consumption profile is a diagram of how much power you're using, broken down along the lines of most used, most expensive, and so on. You can learn by ordering a consumption profile where to cut your usage.
Embrace Freedom
When you free yourself from dependence on the electrical grid, you ensure that your family will be safe, warm, and happy no matter what adverse conditions come your way. Plus, you're helping the environment in a big way. And all it takes is a few new steps.