Installing LED strips in your space is one of the ways you can spruce the place up as it adds more lighting. You can also set the mood by choosing which color you'll put if you purchase the RGB variety. However, it might not turn out the way you want it to if you install or display them incorrectly.
1. Exposed Strips Don't Look Good
It seems that people are under the impression that exposed LEDs are attractive. You'll notice in TikTok videos that some creators have them lined in the corner of their ceilings. Not only does it look tacky, but it can also hurt your eyes since they are not meant to be installed like that. Of course, it's still up to you, but there are better ways to put LEDs up.
2. Not Using the Right Kind
There are many kinds of LED strips. There are single-color, adjustable white, and RGB strips. Depending on what you will use them for, you need to purchase the right one. For instance, you might want to buy the RGB variety if you can't decide which color you'll want.
If you're aiming for a regal-like interior, you'll be better off with adjustable white LEDs. There are also waterproof LED strips, which you should opt for if you know that they'll be exposed to environments that will get them wet.
3. Placing it On/Opposite the Wrong Surface
Surface matters in two ways. One is where you'll attach your LED strip to if it comes with an adhesive backing, and what your LED strips will reflect its light on. Make sure that your surface is flat and smooth before you adhere your strip to it. Otherwise, it might fall off over time.
There's also the issue of reflection. When you put LED strips behind your television, it would look brighter and more vibrant if the wall has a light color, preferably white. Darker-colored walls will not reflect the light very well and they will look very dull.
4. Not Using a Connector for Corners
When you're attaching LED strips on the back objects like TVs or headboards, you are bound to encounter corners. Making a loop to create an L shape will just create hotspots, which will result in a corner brighter than the rest, as pointed out by Derun Lighting.
You can actually purchase L-shaped connectors for that very purpose. Check your LED strips to see how many pins it has. You can determine that by seeing the gold bit at the end of it. Then, you can just purchase matching connector clips so you won't have to solder them in place.

5. Diffusers Make a Big Difference
It's been mentioned before that LED strips don't look good exposed, but if you want it installed in an obvious location, you can purchase a diffuser so it will be, well, diffused. With the tool, your light will be scattered and will look more uniform.
It will also not be as harsh compared to it being exposed. You can purchase an aluminum channel that comes with clips for easy installation, and the aluminum will also help with dissipating the heat to prolong the lifespan of your LED strip.